单词 clever with 例句大全,用单词clever with造句:

The girl with bright eyes seems to be very clever and smart.
Clever Solution to the Progression Problems with Determinant
To say that he was clever is damning him with, faint praise.
She felt that she was more clever with him than with others.
她觉得自己和他在一起时, 似乎比和别人在一起时来得聪明。
He is very clever with his hands and can make beautiful origami.
The reporter wanted to trip up the president with clever questions.
The world is peopled with worthies, and workers, useful and clever.
世界上住着高尚的人, 劳动的人, 有用又聪明。
You won't need a computer anymore with that clever phone you've got.
Now the really clever bit is what they did with the cardboard waste.
And during the next months I learnt to be very clever with my tools.
在随后的几个月里, 我学得很熟练地使用工具了。
Dog people are truthful and clever, with a strong sense of fairness.
With this clever collection in hand, Dad can always travel first class.
这个聪明得收集, 爸爸总是可以坐头等舱。
Skin dryasdust or the key with clever fresh and juicy, what be after all
He is not clever enough to deal with the intellectual problem of unemployment.
要解决待业这个需要动脑筋的问题, 他还不够聪明。
We want something funny and clever that has to do with braces and orthodontists.
Apple has consistently combined clever technology with simplicity and ease of use.
The clever salesman was able to trick the old lady out of her money with his charm.
Very well written, the book is packed with clever ideas and fascinating information.
Necklace surrounds with perfect radian neck, lightsome and clever, adorn comfortable.
So the clever man makes and selects the congenital one, choose the one with potentiality?
John is not only clever bur also have responsibilities. He like making friend with others.
So the clever man makes and selects the congenital one, choose the one with potentiality ?
所以, 聪明的男人是造择先天的, 还是选择有潜质的?
But he was an influence because he was very technical for a defender, clever with the ball.
What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease.
古之所谓善战者, 胜于易胜者也。
Only with the help of clever steps can you avoid trouble and achieve greater success with less cost.
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单词 clever with 释义



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