单词 betray to 例句大全,用单词betray to造句:

I don't want you to have to betray your friends, any of them.
He did not hesitate to betray his friend to obtain the position.
to be willing to betray the soul to exchange her body temperature
愿意出卖灵魂的交换, 她的身体体温了吗?
He sails under false colous and he's just as likely to betray you.
Strove to betray it by singing and shouting the name of Priscilla!
She pursed her lips together, as though fearing to betray her news.
The earlier drawings betray a complete incapacity to group animals.
You just play film with her, than you determine to betray your wife.
你只是和她拍了一部电影, 你就决定背叛你的妻子。
Rule by law has no reason to betray morality and to ignore religion.
that it's not so difficult to win someone in order to betray others.
要赢得某人背叛其他人 并不太难
Some of us betray ourselves by the need to seek approval from others.
can not afford to be his desire to make it easy to betray the master.
We will never be soft-hearted to people that betray their own country.
To submit would be to betray both their ancestors and their posterity.
Malign spirits and Demons persuade the characters to betray each other.
it is a betray.. Mao wanted to see all men are equal in economic sense.
这是背叛, 毛想看到所有人在经济上平等
I will do my best not to fail our people and not to betray their trust.
But the hand of him who is going to betray me is with mine on the table.
No desire to betray, no longer lonely, no selection, even no hesitation.
他们不想背叛, 不再孤独, 不用选择, 更不必彷徨。
They confide in each other, promising never to offend or betray the other.
他们信任彼此, 发誓勇不打击与背叛对方。
But Judas Iscariot, one of His disciples, who was about to betray Him, said
Sometimes siblings betray to each other in order to posse a piece of legacy.
有时候, 兄弟姐妹反目成仇, 为的是多的一份财产。
Deliberately and abominably disloyal or likely to betray trust or confidence.
However such a right does not betray public houses by using the law to allow.
The stealer was sick of this life, finally, He betray the fact to the police.
这位小偷厌倦了这种生活, 最后他向警察说清了真相。
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单词 betray to 释义

  • 单词释义:将…出卖[泄露]给  [更多..]



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