单词 begin as 例句大全,用单词begin as造句:

Stop your horse and then back him up as you begin opening the gate.
The aches and pains begin as the ageing process inexorably sets in.
Here is where we begin, when we acknowledge our own need as sinners.
我们先要认识自己是个罪人, 和承认自己需要救赎。
As spring is coming, willows beside river begin to grow new branches.
To begin with, as me for an example, how did I spare my leisure time?
首先, 就比如我, 我是如何分配我的闲暇时间的呢?
This is a good time to complete tasks, as well as begin new projects.
Why should they begin digging their graves as soon as they are born ?
Biliary passages begin as tiny bile canaliculi formed by hepatocytes.
The runners flexed their muscles as they waited for the race to begin.
赛跑选手在等待比赛开始时, 伸屈四肢, 放松肌肉。
Begin to did not lose a watermelon again from the 2 nd day as expected.
As soon as the bristles on your toothbrush begin to wear, throw it out.
As soon as the heats have been run off, we shall begin the semi finals.
预赛一结束, 我们就将开始半决赛。
It is important to begin using the entire clarinet as soon as possible.
As currency of a country is inflated, the prices of goods begin to rise.
当一国的通货发生膨胀时, 物品的价格开始升高。
As soon as we believe our lives may begin to share in His divine nature.
我们一相信, 生命就立刻与上帝神圣得性情有分。
They begin as small red spots that blister and then often become ulcers.
In the morning, as you begin to awaken, you are in a semiconscious state.
In the morning, as you begin to awaken, you are in a semiconscious state.
As you reach the top of the hill, you can begin your normal stride again.
当到达坡顶时, 您可以开始恢复正常步态。
So this allows us now to begin to start functioning as a single organism.
所以现在这推动我们 开始运作,作为单个机体。
There's even disagreement as to just when the next millennium will begin.
Less commonly, the skin lesions begin as pruritic red macules or papules.
Traditionally, story lines would begin the hero as a downtrodden weakling.
As usual,when his parents dont like the way he dress,they begin to nag.
The contraction would heat the gas, and it would begin to glow as a result.
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单词 begin as 释义

  • 单词释义:以(某职业)开始自己的生涯  [更多..]



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