单词 believe of 例句大全,用单词believe of造句:

I believe one day the power of love will overcome the love for power.
I believe most aid is better than just throwing money out of a plane.
我相信大部分的援助都好过于只是 从飞机上丢钱。
We believe in God, Father Almighty, Creator of heavens and the earth.
我们相信上帝, 全能的父, 创造天地的主。
Many adults feel excluded from worlds of magic, play and make believe.
I believe we help to redeem each other through the power of acceptance.
He can hardly believe how alike these two eyes and that of Tao Zis are.
I truly believe my dream of speaking beautiful English will come alive!
Believe it or not, there's now a academic subfield of happiness studies.
不论你是否相信, 现在有一个专门研究幸福的子科学。
I do not believe that this is in accordance with the rules of procedure.
I also believe music is important because it is an affirmation of order.
I believe, the most wonderful season of a year of Beijing must be autumn.
我认为, 北京一年中最好的季节一定是秋季。
I believe I am capable of calculating the political consequences accurately.
We believe that it will help address the problem of duplication and overlap.
We also believe that Lord's Supper is administered in remembrance of Christ.
I can't believe that you were quite unaware of my growing affection for you.
Want to pick pure heart, still believe and you hear my anniversary of faith.
想要重新拾起单纯的心, 任然庆信还有你听我的信仰。
Some grammarians believe that the subject of any imperative is the addressee.
The abolition of entrance exam, as you believe it or not I believed it anyway!
中考高考取消了, 至于你信不信反正我信了!
Albert the Great Wall of crude oil futures, analysts believe that Dong Dandan.
I do not believe in an afterlife, although I am bringing a change of underwear.
我不相信有来生, 不过我还是随身带一套换洗内衣。
They do not only believe in afterlife, but thousands of reincarnations as well.
Some economists believe that in time of economic recession, this change abysmal.
The negotiators believe they will soon have the bare bones of a peace agreement.
I did this ad. I don't believe in this kind of alcohol, but I do drink sometimes.
我做了这广告 我不相信这种酒 但有时会喝
The admiration of his county made him believe he had a flavour in general society.
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