单词 crescent moon 例句大全,用单词crescent moon造句:

The crescent moon had climbed high in the sky before she sent the others home.
The night sky was unwilling to remain out of the limelight, the crescent moon.
夜幕降临, 天空露出不甘寂寞的月牙。
The crescent moon gave off faint rays that seemed to tremble in the cool breeze.
We also spent a late night squid fishing on the open ocean under a crescent moon.
更于一个夜晚, 在一轮明月下, 无涯海面上网补鱿鱼。
Of course the dimmer lunar crescent was waning, approaching today's New Moon phase.
Thou hast risen late, my crescent moon, my night bird is still awake to greet thee.
我的新月啊, 你已姗姗来迟, 但我的夜莺仍清醒地问候你。
I stood leaning against the doorway of our small room, gazing at the crescent moon.
我倚着那间小屋的门垛, 看着月牙儿。
The Sing Sand Mountain and Crescent Moon Spring is a rare desert view in the world.
All around us was darkness and silence. Only the crescent moon gave off a cold glow.
四外漆黑, 没有声音, 只有月牙儿放出一道几冷光。
The arch's lighting also suggests crescent moon, one of Islam's traditional symbols.
拱门的光暗示着一道新月 伊斯兰传统象征之一。
Mama and I were both wearing white gowns again the next tame I saw the crescent moon.
The river in front of the village as a crescent moon, on the river has a stone bridge.
I looked up at the sky. Ah, there was the crescent moon shining through my tears again.
There is the mark of crescent moon appearance on the fingernail of finger, what to show
手指的指甲盖上有月牙样的印子, 说明什么
There is the mark of crescent moon appearance on the fingernail of finger, what to show.
I dared to walk in the courtyard in the moonlight. A spring crescent moon hung in the sky.
The Moon's sunlit crescent is sinking into the colorful twilight glow just left of Mercury.
Perhaps the crescent moon smiles in doubt at being told it is fragment awaiting perfection.
新月听说它是一块期待圆融的岁片时, 或许会疑惑的浅笑。
What a coincidence! As we were leaving our tiny flat, a crescent moon again hung in the sky.
Some times, even after the crescent moon had already risen, she would still be scrubbing away.
有时月牙儿已经上来, 她还哼哧哼哧得洗。
Sometimes she was also shown with a crescent moon near her. The moon is the symbol of Artemis.
有时她身边会有一道盈月, 月亮是阿尔忒弥斯的象征。
Nobody notices it is getting dark and that the crescent moon has secretly climbed upon the branch.
In the north, a traditional dish for the feast is Jiaozi or dumplings shaped like a crescent moon.
Six as elder brothers are making reference to a automobile, eyes smile a blind side of crescent moon fashion.
The Spiritual Congeniality and Literary Ties between the Writers of the Crescent Moon Group with Virginia Woolf
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