单词 cave in 例句大全,用单词cave in造句:

There is an angel in the cave, or if not, an earthly paragon.
山洞里来了天使啦, 要不然, 也是世间少有的美少女。
Exploring with a feeling of awe in the dark and ghastly cave.
阴森黑洞里, 充满探险及畏惧的感觉。
The entrance to the cave is on a plateau in the Dauphine Alps.
The entrance to the cave is on a plateau in the Dauphine alps.
Bodhisattva paintings in Cave No.74 of Maijishan Caves Temple.
The Bear Family lives in a cave on a mountain in Bear Country.
In the extremity of the valley was a cave, not adorned with art
The dormant bear lay in its cave all through the winter months.
In the land which God has given, like a wild beast in his cave.
死在上帝赐予的家邦, 却像野兽死于洞窟。
The leaves thus inscribed were arranged in order within the cave.
In a pool within the cave, the Devil's Hole pupfish live and breed.
The little girl went down in her boots as she got deep in the cave.
小女孩往洞深处走去时, 吓得魂不附体。
Some of my presentiment appeared at the moment of getting in a cave.
The Primitiyc and Unsophisticated Architectural Art in Cave Dwelling
And we use to eat rats together, Beak, in a biting cave of Hogsmeade.
而且, 我们一起吃过老鼠, 比克, 在霍格莫德刮阴风的山洞里。
In this part of the cave, they could hear an insistent booming sound.
在洞穴的这块地方, 他们能够听到持续的轰响。
Research on application of air buffer loading in shallow cave blasting
The sculpture of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara in Shrine No.6 In Cave No.
Detecting badger cave disease in embankment by ground penetrating radar
Shadow atmosphere in a dark cave with stream roaring and mash murmuring.
黑洞中阴沉气份, 不时参杂缝细中的流水与沼泽声。
A Bridge under a Bridge for Treatment of Karst Cave in Bridge Foundation
That night Jordan sleeps outside the guerillas ' cave in his sleeping-bag.
I had a nervous breakdown, everything just seemed to cave in on top of me.
One day some soldiers passing through the wood found Androcles in the cave.
一天, 一些士兵经过森林, 发现了山洞里的安卓可利斯。
The preliminary report on Vespa mandarinia and other arthropods in its cave
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单词 cave in 释义

  • 单词释义:塌陷;坍方;(指商店等)倒闭;投降  [更多..]



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