单词 brows 例句大全,用单词brows造句:

He knit his brows in a tight, frown and smiled wryly to himself.
His father's brows drew together and his eyes flashed with anger.
I have a round face and my too thin brows added weight to my face.
He clinched his hands. He knitted his brows and tightened his lips.
She plucked away some from her eyebrows to make her brows less bushy.
He appeared to ignore her sarcasm, his brows drawn together in a frown.
He appeared to ignore her sarcasm,his brows drawn together in a frown.
A What did he look like B He had blond hair, blue eyes, thick eye brows.
他长的什么样金发碧眼, 粗粗的眉毛。
His brows tightly knit, the old man gazed speechlessly towards the west.
老沙头一言不发, 皱着眉头站在窗前, 向西凝望着。
Xiao Ming has big eyes and bushy brows, he is really a handsome young man.
小明长得浓眉大眼, 真是个精神的小帅哥。
The little girl knit her brows for a moment and then gave the correct answer.
小女孩皱了一下眉头, 然后作出正确的回答。
Give your brows extra definition with Outdoor Girl's Eyebrow Pencil in Brown.
He grinned, stretched out the corners of his mouth, and pressed down his brows.
Lens language most abundant records from all angles you knit the brows of a smile.
He paused, his eyes flashing with a glint of humour and his brows shooting upward.
No longer did they have to close their eyes and furrow their brows this was much easier.
他们不必闭上双眼, 紧皱眉头, 这次容易多了。
Striving to emulate Xishi, she imitated her stoop , knitting her brows at the same time.
于是东施时常效仿西施, 手捂胸口, 紧皱眉头。
Evolution and Identification of Dragon Eyes and Brows on Dragon Robes During Qing Dynasty
Mei coloured slightly, and her brows relaxed. A touch of brightness flitted across her face.
Skiff Miller demanded, his brows lowering and an obstinate flush of blood reddening his forehead.
So sculpted were the angles of his cheeks, brows, and nose that he looked as if he wore a mask.
The more aged and sedate passed their hands over their brows as if in confused reverie or meditation
He thought to himself for a while. He knit his brows heavily and at last a plan was born in his heart.
他寻思了半天, 眉头一皱, 计上心来。
Screwing up his eyes, he shaded his brows with his hand and looked at the floodplain on the opposite bank.
Scientists in white coats gather in knots, furrow their brows in discussion and enter data into hand-held devices.

单词 brows 释义

  • 单词释义:额( brow的名词复数 );眉;山脊;坡顶  [更多..]



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