单词 consult with 例句大全,用单词consult with造句:

Before we can accept the firms offer we must consult with the workers.
Please consult with your local CDC if you need additional information.
如果您想了解更多的有关信息, 请咨询就近的疾控中心。
Consult with your veterinarian. Find out what seems to be the problem.
To consult with another or others in a process of reaching a decision.
Because during that period we hope to consult with all sorts of people.
So she contacted his consultant at once to consult with him about this.
I should like to consult him with a view to arranging a full discussion.
我要向他请示一下, 安排你们详细面谈一次。
Before we can accept the firm's offer, we must consult with the workers.
在我们接受这家公司的提议之前, 我们必须与工人们商量。
He is so overcautious and timid that we had better not consult with him.
此人胆小怕事, 不足与谋。
It is best to consult with a licensed practitioner a customized formula.
Whats the matter with you Jane I will consult the doctor for my headache.
Consult with your local all breed club, boarding kennel, or veterinarian.
The price that you consult with last time is an off season so is cheaper.
你上次咨询的价格由于那段时间是淡季, 所以比较便宜。
No longer able to put up with his toothache, he went to consult a dentist.
Foreman I suggest that your captain should consult with our harbour master.
When should you consult with your assignee during an emergency investigation
Should there be any specific legal issue, please consult with our attorneys.
If are unfamiliar with any posture, consult with a book or certified teacher.
如果你对某一动作不确定, 查询专业书籍或认证教练。
This equipment is against the rule. Consult with a referee technical delegate.
这个装备不符合规则, 请与裁判官术代表协商。
We would consult with the Yugoslav authorities on these questions in any case.
But, how can I open the grave by myself? I had better consult with Abbess Shih.
Consult with factory availability for other bronze valves to be oxygen cleaned.
如果需要其他经过氧气清洗的青铜阀门, 请咨询制造商。
If there is blood or pus in the stool, I recommend you consult with a physician.
Please consult with the instructor if there are any questions about preparation.
如有任何准备上的问题, 请与指导教授讨论。
When you have any problems you can consult with an experienced colleague of yours.
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单词 consult with 释义

  • 单词释义:<正>与(某人)磋商;相商  [更多..]



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