单词 hand hold 例句大全,用单词hand hold造句:

To hold my hand drench the rain, hold hands with your footsteps.
牵我的手淋著小雨, 牵你的手跟你脚步。
Will you stay with me in my prison cell and hold my hand, Clarice
Hold infinity in the parlm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
无穷在你我手中, 永恒无非刹那光华。
But He took hold of her hand and called out, saying, Child, arise!
耶稣却拉著她的手, 呼叫说, 女孩, 起来!
Mrs. Clayton had to hold Lizzie's hand as they ascended the steps.
We take toy bricks in our hands and the fate we also hold in hand.
The rabit is furry. I hold it in my hand and look at it carefully.
She puts her hand to the distaff and her fingers hold the spindle.
Hold the infinity in the palm of the hand the eternity in an hour!
把无限放在你的手掌上, 把永恒在一刹那间收藏!
Though plenty was left after death, he forgot to hold his hand back.
The woman tried to take hold of her daughter's hand while being beaten.
女人边挨打, 边尽力抓着孩子的手。
Hold the sample bottle with one hand and remove the cap with the other.
一只手拿样品瓶, 另一只手移去盖子。
Hold your centipede gently in your hand and examine the end of its tail.
Did she tell you she can hold her hand over an open flame without crying?
Hand the bottle to your client and have them hold it near the hand cradle.
With your feet shoulderwidth apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand and squat.
Hold your breath for several seconds when I give you a signal with my hand.
我给您做手势时, 您就屏住气几秒钟。
It was a custom for ancient girls to hold a silk handkerchief in their hand.
Carefully he reached his hand down and took hold of the hopper by the wings.
I needed to be there to hold my little girl's hand and encourage her better.
The breeze along the window came, I hold in my hand the leaves in the huddle.
轻风沿着窗口袭来, 我手上拿着的叶子在瑟缩的颤动。
Hold the bowl with one hand while eating with your spoon with the other hand.
用勺子盛饭得时候, 用另一只手扶着碗。
Hold a pose with a bowl of water in hand, till the muscle spasm break the bowl.
He unbuckled my seatbelt and continued to hold my seatbelt with his right hand.
Curiously, she could not hold the money in her hand without feeling some relief.
说来奇怪, 当她把钱握在手里时, 却感到一点安慰。
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