单词 hundreds of 例句大全,用单词hundreds of造句:

Though we are hundreds of miles apart, I can feel you squeeze my hand.
虽然我俩远隔千里, 但我可以感受到你这紧握我手心。
Try an employment agency. They find jobs for hundreds of people every day.
The agony column of our newspaper receives hundreds of letters every week.
Remote African languages have splitted into hundreds of daughter languages.
Hundreds of thousands of airplane flights take place over the US every day.
In response to that decision, hundreds of 8 academics wrote protest letters.
Their annual gatherings in India and Pakistan attract hundreds of thousands.
He spent hundreds of hours in the acquisition of skill at playing the piano.
The smoke alarm has saved perhaps hundreds of thousands of lives, worldwide.
烟雾警报器可能已经在全世界挽救了 成千上万人的生命。
Hundreds of tightly rolled newspapers were set aflame among the 50,000 crowd.
Acting Company perennial various health brands, hundreds of existing products.
我公司常年代理各种保健品牌, 现有数百种产品。
At New Year, hundreds of thousands pack the trains going back to the province.
在春节期间, 数十万安徽人需要挤火车回家过年。
Analysts are bracing for hundreds of lenders to collapse in the next few years.
分析师们预计, 未来几年美国还会有数百家贷款机构倒闭。
Why is it that a single mind weapon can affect hundreds of millions of people ?
Scialism is like an ocean that admits hundreds of rivers and will never dry out.
社会主义是大海, 海纳百川, 不会枯竭。
In existence are hundreds of apocryphal books representing all three categories.
Hundreds of thousands of them affect children or young adults involved in sports.
Hundreds and thousands of Africans are thrown into gaol each year under pass laws.
由于通行证法, 每年有成千上万的南非黑人被关进监狱。
Anybody who pays hundreds of pounds for a single postage stamp must be up the pole.
What sets it apart from hundreds of similar small French towns is the huge factory.
The shutdown lasted16 days and affected hundreds of thousands of federal employees.
Do you ever dream of hunting for treasures left in ships sunk hundreds of years ago?
In East Africa, for example, hundreds of wild animals used to roam across the plains.
What's the future for the hundreds of tribes who live deep in the Amazon rainforest ?
America has suspended military aid, supposedly worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
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单词 hundreds of 释义

  • 单词释义:好几百,许许多多  [更多..]



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