单词 excellent quality 例句大全,用单词excellent quality造句:

Product host good, feel soft, the luster is bright, quality excellent.
The water quality of the stream used to be excellent and crystal clear.
以往的东涌河水质优良, 河水清澈。
Companies with strong technical strength and excellent service quality.
Its management strict, upright style, high efficiency, excellent quality!
其管理严格, 作风正派, 办事效率高, 质量优!
Lintao dry grains of sweet, rich wine, imported sweet, excellent quality.
临洮干甜醅, 酒香浓郁, 入口香甜, 品质绝佳。
Our excellent quality, affordable prices and warm and thoughtful service.
我们以优良得品质, 实惠得价格及热情周到得服务。
Sales are an excellent opportunity to buy quality goods at reduced prices.
What's more, you have got been excellent reputation for high quality work.
Chrome steel balls have an excellent surface quality and high load bearing.
Fine works, excellent quality, fine and complete packing, reasonable price.
Be evaluated as of excellent quality during a spot check of similar products
在同类产品抽检中, 被评为优等品
Searching for the person of excellent ability to improve the education quality.
Get monthly high quality Lead packages and an excellent auto responder service.
excellent in quality and reasonable in price is we and the customer common goal.
Timely completion of design introductions with high yields and excellent quality.
及时地, 高优率, 高品质地完成设计的导入。
The Brisk Business depends on the good quality of goods and the excellent service.
买卖兴隆, 靠商品优质, 服务优良。
The writing must be proof read, high quality, excellent english and easy to follow.
We are producing premium quality products with excellent workmanship and finishing.
I have used stinging nettle for years and found this brand to be excellent quality.
我服用刺荨麻产品好几年了, 发现这个牌子的品质最好。
To be a qualified, excellent class cadre, I would like to be a good overall quality.
做一个合格的, 优秀的班干部, 我想首先要综合素质好。
Ability to work un supervised. Methodical with excellent quality awareness essential.
Study on Nitrogen Application for High Yield and Excellent Quality in Chinese Cabbage
We trust you will find our price reasonable and the quality of our products excellent.
Main Points of Balsam Pear Cultivation Technique with Excellent Quality and High Yield
It is prepared under very stringent control to ensure its excellent purity and quality.
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单词 excellent quality 释义



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