单词 exchange for 例句大全,用单词exchange for造句:

Many employees actually reduce their annual allowance in exchange for cash.
The neighbor willingly gave them a beehive in exchange for their two goats.
This offer does not carry any value, and it cannot be in exchange for cash.
此优惠并无现金价值, 不可兑换现金。
Matching algorithm for a program to facilitate everyone to use and exchange.
Please return counterfoils for auditing purpose in exchange for new coupons.
收取新券时请交还旧券联根, 以供核数用途。
Code for construction and acceptance of petrochemical heat exchange equipment
The trade unions bargained away their rights in exchange for a small pay rise.
No presentment for acceptance is needed for a bill of exchange payable at sight.
Method for the determination of bulk density for ion exchange resins in wet state
Someone with a pocketful of paper could, if so moved, exchange it for actual gold.
Afterward, click on Tychus for another dialogue exchange and then explore the room.
foreign exchange for traveling and miscellaneous expenses needed when leaving China
It would be therefore be advantageous for her to export wine in exchange for cloth.
因此, 对葡萄牙来说, 输出葡萄酒以交换毛呢是有利的。
Ion exchange is used extensively for the separation and purification of amino acids.
an alchemist of German legend who sol his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge.
Maybe I can arrange refund or product exchange for you since it was an honest mistake.
Another candidate is Porto man Pepe, who would arrive in exchange for Fabrizio Miccoli.
It would cancel its disciplinary hearing in exchange for Harding's dropping her lawsuit.
作为哈定撤诉的交换条件, 它将取消其惩戒性的听证会。
Spring stroked my face, blown away by your dismal gloom, in exchange for your cheerful faces.
Technological conditions for application of weakly basic anion exchange resin in water treatment
They were given many privileges in exchange for helping to settle and control the alpine passes.
Heterogeneous Esterification for the Production of Butyl Acrylate Catalyzed by Ion Exchange Resin
The problem was that Sampras wasn't willing to abandon his reserve in exchange for understanding.
问题在于, 桑普拉斯不愿意放弃他的低调来寻求理解。
As a token of our appreciation, we will send periodic rewards in exchange for your participation.
由于我们的谢意, 我们将发送您的参与交流的定期回报。
There is a hostage being held in a warehouse off of Wheatland Ave. in exchange for their demands.
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