单词 drink in 例句大全,用单词drink in造句:

This drink is often consumed in the afternoon while relaxing in the shade.
Drink wine to sleep in the evening two small arm are painful. Ache tiredly?
Then I brought me daughter to drink the afternoon tea in Venice Restaurant.
于是, 我就带着女儿去威尼斯餐厅喝下午茶。
In England nobody under the ageeighteen is allowed to drink in a public bar.
在英国, 未满十八周岁禁止进入公共酒吧。
James blew air through his straw and watched the bubbles appear in his drink.
A great opportunity to have an alfresco drink in one of the UK's pub gardens.
Apparently, only water buffalo down a drink in one go,and dogs take two sips.
According to the amount of wine to drink in the entrance with mass and decide.
Suddenly you're old enough to vote, drink and engage in other adult activities.
一下子 你就拥有了选举权 可以喝酒 还可以参与成人活动
In England nobody under the age of eighteen is allowed to drink in a public bar.
在英国, 十八岁以下的人不准进酒吧喝酒。
I did this ad. I don't believe in this kind of alcohol, but I do drink sometimes.
我做了这广告 我不相信这种酒 但有时会喝
Rice wine is the oldest alcohol content drink with rich nutrients in our country.
Is there anywhere in particular we can go for a drink when Peter and Jenny arrive
His love of drink is his chink in the armor. Get him drunk and Im sure hell talk.
他这人的弱点就是爱喝酒。把他灌醉, 他肯定会说的。
Is there anywhere in particular we can go for a drink when Peter and Jenny arrive?
He was the teacher who allowed underage students to drink alcohol in his apartment.
Dans love of drink is the chink in his armour. Get him drunk and Im sure hell talk.
贪杯是丹的弱点。把他灌醉了, 他肯定会说出来的。
It is important in what we drink too, being the prime ingredient in beer and lager.
Avoid contact with eyes and mouse. Not aimed to be eaten in the state, Do not drink.
避免接触眼睛和嘴, 不能饮用。
People under the age of 18 are only allowed to drink soft drinks in pubs in Britain.
Mix it up and put water in one Fuel Belt bottle and sports drink in the other three.
Fountain where the Devotees of Allah do drink, making it flow in unstinted abundance.
Can be the child's cold wants and antiphlogistic medicine put in the grandma to drink
Clinical and Experimental Research on QiangXinFumai Drink in Treating Slow Arrhythmia
Do you want to lazy around, drink cocktail or take an adventure in Kenya black Marlin ?
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单词 drink in 释义

  • 单词释义:吸收;吸取;饱览;欣赏(风景等)  [更多..]



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