Now that you request me, I'll cost what it may to accompany you to drink.
Adding material to food for sale,which make it dangerous to eat or drink.
Fed fight quick medicine to drink again but in order to prevent allergy ?
Adding material to food for sale, which make it dangerous to eat or drink.
给出售的食品加东西, 使食物变得有危险。
a convict awaiting execution is allowed to drink before going to the block
I try not to drink the day of the year, because this is what alcohol abuse.
我试着不要喝了当年的一天中, 因为这是做什么酗酒。
You cant force an ox to bend to drink, would he kill my parents if I refuse
牛不吃水强按头?我不愿意, 难道杀我的老子娘不成?
Afterwards, go out for dinner or a drink to discuss your shared experience.
Simon always makes a complete ass of himself when he's had to much to drink.
How does honey drink ability to have the effect that reduce weight after all?
He comes to this tea house to drink tea and chat with friends each afternoon.
Mix powdered medications with liquids at bedside and give to client to drink.
Name a beverage that you like ti drink cold. Name one you like to drink warm.
I drink with respect to skin allergy, is Dan Youxi joyous how to drink to do.
How does honey drink ability to have the effect that reduce weight after all ?
According to the amount of wine to drink in the entrance with mass and decide.
The only solution to this is to replace a cigarette with a non alcoholic drink.
This is but one of the methods used to try and get alcoholics to give up drink.
Don't be a cheap bastard and always bring something to drink or eat to parties.
The childrens incessant quarrelling was enough to drive their parents to drink.
孩子们无休止的争吵, 已逼得他们父母受不了。
Women pregnant must drink enough water, avoid by all means is thirsty to drink.
女人怀孕时必须喝足够的水, 切忌口渴才饮水。
If a person livings to have no to love, return should the accountancy more drink
I mentioned casually that my doctor had absolutely forbidden me to drink champagne.
There's no need to give up alcohol altogether but it's important to drink sensibly.
但是没有必要完全放弃酒精, 你可以明智的选择它。
Asas we could look forward to getting drink later, there was something to live for.
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