单词 due to 例句大全,用单词due to造句:

Cold classrooms probably contributed to the levels of absence due to sickness.
Beijing due to the low winter temperatures, Wai to appear fully armed Studios.
由于北京入冬气温低, 王家卫全副武装地现身片场。
Jenny had to brave her father's anger due to her refusal to attend university.
珍妮以身犯险, 不肯上大学, 所以不得不面对父亲得盛怒。
Due to the special performance of fly ash from sea, it is difficult to be used.
Oblique tenon was adopted to draw core due to the short distance of drawingcore.
由于抽芯距离短, 采用斜销抽芯。
We regret to announce that due to atmospheric conditions, there will be a delay.
我们很遗憾地宣布由于气流状况不佳, 班机将会延误。
Due to its improper presupposition to make a point, a series of questions arise.
An asset belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group.
Geely has not risen out of stock due to actual value, so access to capital favor.
由于吉利股价并未升到脱离实际价值, 所以获得外资垂青。
Can anything be done to reduce symptoms or side effects due to antiviral treatment
This theory which is due to a fart is just like a theory which is due to an apple.
这是一个屁引发的理论, 就像一个苹果引发的理论一样。
The approximate theory which applies to water tables of low slope is due to Dupuit.
Due to your noncompetitive bid, it is next to impossible for you to win the tender.
由于你方报价没有竞争力, 你们不可能中标。
I intend to retrieve all ascension information lost over time due to following guru.
Due to adoption of hydraulic clamping mechanism, it is easy to load clamp work piece.
机床配有液压夹紧系统, 装夹工件快捷方便。
In this way, it can reduce error degree to assort due to indurations of fields value.
With phase sequence control to prevent motor reversal due to the adverse consequences.
Due to the roundingoff reasons, the subentries may not add up to the aggregate totals.
Due to time send top with all actual trims, labels, fabrice wash, to spec for approval.
因为时间关系, 请把上衣与所有辅料一起寄过来一起确认。
Due to his high level of competence he was appointed to General Manager of the company.
Due to his serious illness, he applied to temporarily serve the sentence outside prison.
由于病情严重, 他申请保了外执行。
The popularity of badminton is due to the fact it's not necessary to be trained to play.
On to the beginning of 1, due to the heavy study, all amateur learning to have terminated.
It is known to be due to an abnormality of the visceral epithelial cells of the glomerulus.
众所周知, 其原因是肾小球脏层上皮细胞异常。
This slight increase is presumably due to the active server being able to replicate faster.
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单词 due to 释义

  • 单词释义:欠下债[账],应给予;由于;因为;应归于  [更多..]



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