单词 Drama film 例句大全,用单词Drama film造句:

film a dance drama
Music, drama, film, live, moved and be moved.
音乐, 戏剧, 电影, 生活及感动和被感动。
a work of fiction,drama,or film dealing with a puzzling crime
In any case, this film is a suspenseful drama that will intrigue audiences.
The film has been badly marketed as a black comedy, as it is really a drama.
那部影片不幸地被宣传为黑色喜剧, 其实那是一部戏剧。
The time,place,and circumstances in which a narrative,drama,or film takes place.
The theme of insanity has recently become a staple in literature, art, drama and film.
精神错乱近来已成为文学, 艺术, 戏剧和电影的主题。
I see a hodgepodge of television, film and television drama, news type of program than our more.
Disciplines offered include dance, drama, music, theatre technical arts, and film and television.
Although it is comic book related, in my mind, it's a film drama, it's a psychodrama and it's a horror film.
Xia Yan has been engaged in the modern drama, the screenplay creation and the film theory research for a long time.
Even Hollywood has taken notice. At the Sundance film festival in January, Girlfight, about a woman who finds fulfillment through boxing, won a prize for drama.
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