单词 embark on 例句大全,用单词embark on造句:

Before she would embark on a holy war, however, she had to purify her own Church.
不过, 在开始一场神圣的战争之前, 她必须净化自己的教会。
My spectacular professional career that is about to embark on in a blaze of glory.
To diversify one's business is to embark on different kinds of commercial business.
Confucious warned us,Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
The international team will soon embark on an expedition to explore the South Pole.
I decided a few days ago that I would embark on some dull yet obsessive homekeeping.
At the beautiful summer, Chun xiao is about to embark on her transformation journey.
在这个美好的盛夏, 春晓即将踏上她的蜕变之旅。
Barney is about to embark on a journey around the world and you can share in the fun!
These two Americans were about to embark on high profile, high stakes, big money quests.
这两个美国运动员将要向成名, 金牌和高额奖金挑战。
Spring wind blowing, catkins are leaving her mother's embrace, embark on a romantic journey.
Demeter one of fraud do not know, once again embark on the journey around the East and West.
Developing selfdiscipline is one of the most rewarding undertakings you will ever embark on.
She is heterosexual but has no plans to marry or embark on a sexual relationship with a man.
Six fellows were to stay on board, and remaining thirteen, including Silver, began to embark.
六个人留在大船上, 其余的十三个, 包括西尔弗, 开始上划子。
Take yourself out of this cold, harsh world and embark on a transcendental tangram adventure.
What's your hope for someone who's about to embark on Ramadan, and Muslim who's in your care?
Seize the day, young man. You may never get the chance to embark on such an adventure again.
The last known video shows him at a rehearsal for the London season he was about to embark on.
Three British explorers are about to embark on a survey to map the Arctic Oceans seaice cover.
But you could probably let go of this round of general exploration and embark on the next stage.
So her are some thoughts for you to keep in mind as you embark on your account management career
So her are some thoughts for you to keep in mind as you embark on your account management career.
After work, she loves to play video games, and she's about to embark on an equestrian therapy program.
Armed with the right tools materials, newlyweds gaily embark on the task of decorating their own homes.
只要配备的工具及材料, 新婚夫妇便乐于从事新房布置。
She wanted to embrace life in all its fullness and embark on the journey the journey to her inner self.
她多想抱紧生命, 踏上旅途, 一次深入自我的心灵旅途。
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单词 embark on 释义

  • 单词释义:着手,开始做某事  [更多..]



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