单词 finish off 例句大全,用单词finish off造句:

Here is a plate of dumplings, you can finish them off too.
After you finish the sink maybe you'd help me wash it off.
So I'd better turn off the TV and finish my letters first.
To finish off the scale looks, I added the supplied decals.
He began to tidy up his desk and finish off the week's work.
No carrying these to the new place. Let's finish them off now.
With a whole week off, Ill try to finish my Ph.Ds dissertation.
有一个星期的假, 我可以写完博士论文了。
Please turn off the blender after you finish making apple juice.
Christy told Todd to get off her back so she could finish her paper.
克里斯蒂告诉特德别打扰她, 让她把报告写完。
A long soak in the bath would probably finish off your relationship.
Power Trowels allow you to finish off your recently poured concrete.
Just trying to finish off my Christmas shopping. How about you, Jill?
You cut your hair off because you didn't want to finish your sandwich?
This was a nice way to finish off before the World Cup squad is named.
在世界杯前, 以一个最好的方式完成热身赛。
Combined Fire Use your shotgun to finish off 18 players you've ignited.
So go for it oil form. walnut oil into salads or finish off a fish dish.
因此, 可以选用胡桃油, 在沙拉上加些胡桃油, 或吃完那碟鱼肉。
Repeat this twice and you finish off Yogg right as the berserk goes off.
重复2次, 然后在约格要狂暴的时候他们终于把它给日了。
The meal will finish off with Christmas pudding, a steamed fruit pudding.
Keep legs bare for the sexiest look and finish off with amazing high heels.
Finally, as light grew dim, he had to finish off the bear with a second shot.
However hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread.
就算我再饿, 也绝不能吃下的下这一整条面包。
Finish off the cicada has forests, would go strong to fly back to swallow eaves.
已老林蝉余韵断, 将归檐燕强飞回。
Boil the potatoes, brush then with some olive oil and then finish off in the oven.
先煮土豆, 然后涂橄榄油, 最后在烤箱中烤熟。
Go one star farther out side of the Northern Cross to finish off the Swan's wings.
位于北十字两侧星星分别延伸出去, 则形成天鹅的翼。
I must finish off this dress I'm making; I'm just giving it the last finishing touches.
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单词 finish off 释义

  • 单词释义:结束(某事);<非正>杀死;毁掉;吃光(某物)  [更多..]



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