单词 focal point 例句大全,用单词focal point造句:

The main focal point is the ovulation chance and the ovulation time.
Centring on this focal point, the full text divides into three parts.
And it's a center, a focal point for economic and social development.
In this context, the designation of a national focal point is crucial.
Television is now the focal point of family life in many British homes.
Control of financial affairs is the focal point the receivable control.
just because of this focal point, this huge light source in the middle.
引发这种感觉的正是中间这巨大光源 形成的焦点光。
Holding in arms tightly, taking the muscle of back shank as focal point.
要抱住, 重点揉小腿后侧肌群。
Focal Point presents data in a series of preconfigured charts and graphs.
We first need to make clear the orientation and focal point of investment.
Chairs are lined up in rows, facing the speaker or focal point in the room.
椅子成行排列, 面对发言人或会议室中心。
Returns to Houston, this nature becomes everybody attention the focal point.
回到休斯顿, 这自然成为大家关注的焦点。
The focal point of urgent repairs should be laid on the water side of dykes.
由于险情发展迅速, 必须争分夺秒, 抓住有利时机进行抢险。
Later period notes a focal point with what needing duration level to not have.
There was, however, no institutional focal point in the United Nations system.
然而, 联合国系统内却没有体制上的协调中心。
To reduce unnecessary officials is a focal point of government work this year.
The project will be a new focal point and shopping destination in Kowloon East.
The brochure described the library as the focal point of learning on the campus.
A right angled kitchen cabinet can a focal point to express the fine of the sink.
The best focal point is determined by the spherical aberration coefficient, and.
Microwave Correspondence Equipment Defence the Focal Point of Thunder and Standard
Ever since the Crusades, pilgrims had made the city a focal point of their travels.
A concave lens causes rays to diverge as though they are coming from a focal point.
Whichever state of consciousness the soul assumed became the focal point of activity.
To begin, everyone gathers round the central focal point in a circle and holds hands.
一开始, 每个人手牵着手围绕在大圈中央。
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单词 focal point 释义

  • 单词释义:集中点,焦点(指人或事物);活动中心  [更多..]



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