单词 get in 例句大全,用单词get in造句:

He announced thending of the meeting before I could get in a word.
You'd better get in shape, or you're going to have a heart attack.
Aah. Let's talk about it in the morning. I've got to get some sleep.
噢, 我们明天早晨再说这件事吧。我得睡一会儿了。
How in the world did he ever get mixed up in this scandalous affair?
His mother doesn't allow him to get in with the wrong crowd of boys.
Some people get more ability in enduring the painfulness than others.
Before I could get in a word, he announced the ending of the meeting.
I'll get in contact with a rental house company to rent an apartment.
I assume you want me to get in touch with the State Archaeology unit.
Word like arrows, which is easily shoot out, but hardly get in again.
言出如射箭, 射出容易返回难。
When he applied, he knew no one who could advise him on how to get in.
Ljubicic saw me get in and said that he did it at the Australian Open.
I'm trying to get over all the obstacles that get in my way in acting.
In Catholicism, sinners can get absolution in the secrecy of confession.
You get to chase your dream while I get to spend my life in advertising.
你应该去追逐你的梦想 而我应该把我的一生都献给广告业。
If you do not abide by the traffic regulations, you will get in trouble.
Except I show up here and I can't get in, and you tell me to plan ahead.
可现在我到这了却进不去 你还让我提前一些。
Using martial arts to get in shape is quite a good idea, dont you think.
There is ample opportunity for oil and dirty water to get in behind them.
石油和脏水有 足够的机会从后面渗入。
The sellers are requested to get in close contact with the shipping agent.
You can get on a flight in London, you can end up in Bangalore later today.
在伦敦上飞机 当天就可以到达班加罗尔了
Once we get the shunt in, any excess spinal fluid will drain to his abdomen.
The new kidney, planted in the abdomen, will help her get back on even terms.
My sister-in-law will get married soon, but none of us are able to leave her.
People who get stuck in a groove aren't able to adapt themselves to the times.
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单词 get in 释义

  • 单词释义:到达;收割;当选;插话  [更多..]



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