单词 grow on 例句大全,用单词grow on造句:

When spring arrives, leaves grow on trees and flowers start to bloom.
How ability heighten, reduce weight, doesnt the beans grow on the face
怎样才能增高, 减肥, 脸上不长豆豆?
On arid barren land, they only grow some type of potatoes for a living.
The blue mountains never grow old and the green waters flow on forever.
Typically, the business wants to capitalize on these processes to grow.
通常, 企业希望利用这些流程以实现增长。
Techniques on production management of bay scallop during grow out phase
Antlers are the hard and bony points that grow on the heads of male deer.
在夏天, 游客可以观看牛仔基于传统技巧而设的竞技比赛。
Cacao pods, which grow on trees, originated in Central and South America.
Whether the crops grow well or badly depends also on how the work is done.
Send him on a development course to grow into his adult identity a bit more.
Farmers grow it on sandy soil in coastal areas where there is a lot of rain.
It must be on long enough for the bent cartilage of the ear to grow straight.
When the Buddha made this oath, the flesh on his arm did grow back, like new.
当佛陀发了这个誓愿后, 他手上的肉重新长了出来, 犹如新生。
Result ADSC were able to attach, grow and proliferate well on the scaffolds.
Each have one bud, release, grow stem on the ground, form, comb form of clump.
Did spur grow what to tweak still have besides the operation on my mother foot?
The whiskers disappear as the fish grow, and are not found on adult flying fish.
当鱼长大胡须就会消失, 成鱼身上不会出现。
He felt his anger grow deeper and he ran up the hill, almost falling on the way.
Another benefit on the farm is that we can now grow our crops with less tillage.
I'll put some powder on the soil to make the cabbage plants grow big and strong.
They grow on the surface of an glacial lake that stretches to the castle far away.
How does ultraviolet ray grow little a knot in one's heart to do on allergic face ?
少晒太阳, 涂抹氧化锌软膏。紫外线过敏脸上长小疙瘩怎么办?
The mountains had a circumference of 798 li, on which not a blade of grass could grow.
This in turn has caused the plants on the mounds to grow bigger and their roots deeper.
Babies who are breast fed on cue and offered unrestricted feedings tend to grow faster.
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单词 grow on 释义

  • 单词释义:在…上面生长;越来越被…喜欢;逐渐加强  [更多..]



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