单词 was 例句大全,用单词was造句:

it was not the passion that was new to her , it was the yearning adoration
她所觉得新奇的并不是热情, 而是那渴望的崇拜。
This was an amazing thing, this was something that was beyond description.
There was a little girl, and that little girl was crying and was terrified.
那家的小女孩 被吓哭了
It was said he was mentally abnormal and was set free according to one law!
The wind was blowing the temperature was frigid the atmosphere was depressing.
The biggest problem was that Italy starting pitcher was good and ours was bad.
When she was asked why she was absent for the party, no answer was forthcoming.
She was holding onto that bag so tightly that I was sure it was going to burst.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The man was as strong as a horse, and his temper was as fierce as he was strong.
I was a fool, I was absurd! what was that I was saying about denouncing myself ?
我刚才疯了, 发昏了, 我说什么自首来着?
Was Plato confused, ? was he contradicting himself, ? was he, what was he doing?
柏拉图胡涂了吗?, 自我矛盾了吗?, 他在干吗?
The doctor was blind, the patient was blind and the doctor was deaf and dumb too.
医生好像瞎了眼, 病人也是瞎了眼, 医生还是既聋又傻。
She was sold to be an actress when she was young because her family was very poor.
And where I was bad was algebra. And I was never allowed to take geometry or trig.
我就是代数非常差 更不用提几何或三角了
There was a cold drizzle of rain the atmosphere was murky it was a melancholy day.
I was the girl he was falling in love with, just as I was falling in love with him.
我是他爱的女人, 跟我爱他一样。
He was arrested for burglary but claimed it was a frameup and that he was innocent.
他因盗窃罪而被逮捕, 但他声称那是陷害, 他是无辜的。
The capital was abandoned. The enemy was advancing. The snow was stained with blood.
首都弃守, 敌人逼近, 洁白的雪地上导出是斑斑血迹。
The capital was abandoned. The enemy was advancing. The snow was stained with blood.
She was not afraid of the dark or the shadows it was people she was anxious to avoid.
她不怕黑暗和阴影, 她极力想避开的只是人群。
It was reported that there was a bomb aboard a plane he was piloting out of Hong Kong.
This was an India that was buying Corvettes. This was an India that was buying Jaguar.
There was waste and there was want of proportion, but there was undeniable achievement.
The envelope was worn and the only thing that was legible on it was the return address.

单词 was 释义

  • 单词释义:用来表示某人或某物即主语本身,用来表示某人或某物属于某一群体或有某种性质( be的过去式 );在,存在;不受干扰  [更多..]



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