单词 to 例句大全,用单词to造句:

According to the rules, you have to work with the person next to you to compete with the others
The founders plan to tweak the fee structure to allow it to be customized to a customers goals.
To afford to send their son to go to college, the couple spent only a fraction of their earnings.
Banish ignorance to gain enlightenment. Avoid evil to be good. Abandon delusion to seek the truth.
Want to find someone to accompany me to watch the sunrise sunset, and accompany me to the fugitive.
想要找个人陪莪看日出黄昏, 顺便陪莪亡命天涯。
The awakened admonish us to get nothing is to get something to have got something is to get nothing.
In seeking the new, Singapore endeavours to change, to develop, and to improve to achieve perfection.
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I would like to use this forum to appeal to Governments to conclude such agreements with the Tribunal.
But Looney did not think that sojourns ancient to abdicate the park field to be able to be very relaxed.
To agree to leave your position or to stop trying to be elected, so that someone else can have a chance.
As I see, the Aloha spirit is a kind of spirit to help, to take care of, to smile to anyone in the world.
While dueling Veila, Ben appealed to her to break off her attack, hoping to return her to the light side.
Qualitative tests are those that are expected to lead either to more testing or to abandonment of the project.
We shall be able to apply the principle of from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
In order to get admitted to a good university, Xiao Liu goes to his teachers' to make up his cultural lessons.
In her estimation to be mirthful was to be profane to be cheerful was to be frivolousshe drew no distinctions.
蜗牛爬出了半个壳, 伸出触角, 又缩了回去。
Learn to use an abacus, and you might even be able to use the same techniques to do rapidfire math in your head.
学习使用算盘, 你还能使用同样技巧在头脑中实现速算。
To try to persuade someone, usually someone in authority, to give you something or to allow something to happen.
In fact, that such a move was sure to generate controversy probably contributed to Abbotts decision to pursue it.
But I felt it was too much to ask to have to adjust each individual arm rest in order to get it where you wanted.
他左手拿起麦克风, 然后举起右臂示意大家静下来。
The face appears the dye to sink to accumulate to call of spot, seriously the beauty that influence faces to permit.
first beneficiary retains the right to refuse to allow the transferring bank to advise amendments to the transferee.
Be able to stand working together in , attaching importance to a team to come to analyse a problem others position.
The gods are not to be feared. Death is nothing to worry about. Good is easy to attain. The fearful is easy to endure.

单词 to 释义

  • 单词释义:向,朝着;到;关于;属于  [更多..]



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