Draw back to upper lip upward and outside with tooth slot the bone become angle.
Kneel, hold hands more than shoulder width apart, the legs bent upward lift.
This upward ascension can happen even in the face of extreme physical challenges.
这种升华 就算是在身体面临极度挑战下也能发生。
A fellow cyclist had pulled alongside me and was supporting me on my upward climb.
一位骑单车的同伴在我身边停下, 支持我想上行进。
Swimming in a face upward position with arms alternately circling beside the body.
仰泳是脸朝上的姿势, 双臂在身体两边交替划圈。
Upper mantle uplift is likely associated with upward migration of mantle material.
The force upward equals the force downward so that the balloon stays at the level.
To transfer the motion of the cam upward to the valve, additional parts are needed.
Upward Rectum vein and lack of venous flap, branching, easy to YuJi blood backflow.
Then there is a swing upward, accompanied by suffering, patience, and understanding.
The altar hearth is four cubits high, and four horns project upward from the hearth.
The annual consumption of alcohol has seen an upward trend in Russia in recent years.
Talk about the Ways for Realizing Keep Valuation and upward Revalution of State Assets
Inhale and raise the arms upward. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head.
吸气, 双臂上举, 身体向上, 缓慢后弯。
For the jump upward model, the assumption about exponential distribution is not needed.
Comparative Analysis about Starting Acceleration of Horizontal and Upward Belt Conveyor.
The incipient lethal temperature are shifted upward by acclimation to warmer temperature.
There is then an additional upward step before it flattens again as it joins the endplate.
Our fighter jets can shoot upward from the sky to nearly 60 miles into the upper atmosphere.
Adoption of Bend Upward Bulbous Bow toImprove Resistance Performance in Ballast Trial Condition
Near the time of MBO, net assets per share of the company show the property of upward convexity.
Thus the economy would have completed the first round of an upward spiral of accelerating growth.
这样, 经济就完成了加速增长并向上循环得第一轮。
Just as an airplane needs upward thrust to lift off, Hawkess subs use downward thrust to descend.
和飞机需要上升推力一样, 霍克斯的潜艇需要下降推力。
The brocade lotus point nods, remind of ambition clean a side with an upward exposure put like.
Seeds obovoid, chalazal knot rounded, raphe attenuate, ventral holes furrowed upward 13 from base.
种子倒卵球形, 圆形的种脐, 渐狭, 腹面洞棱槽自基部向上13的。