单词 stifle 例句大全,用单词stifle造句:

Gritting my teeth, I did my best to stifle one or two remarks.
World Bank Says Israeli Restrictions Stifle Palestinian Economy.
It was an uninteresting conversation and I had to stifle a yawn.
State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative.
Nobody would want to stifle debate on changing the electoral system.
My Opinion is that they dont stifle enough of them. Flannery OConnor.
我的看法是, 大学不足以扼杀他们。
That would stifle a great deal more than political debate and dissent.
Angulation at the stifle and hock are in proportion to the forequarters.
后膝关节呈合适的角度, 而且飞节与后躯的比例恰当。
And some states have tried to use campaignfinance laws to stifle debate.
Ample bone, strong and flexible, moderately angulated at stifle and hock.
We can not too much with their own desire to stifle the childs childhood.
我们不能用自己过多的欲望, 去扼杀小孩的童年。
Let us now not to stifle the genius of the system of education has become.
It's a real achievement to put that particular ability out, or to stifle it.
無論是激發或扼殺這項能力 都會產生巨大影響
Did this stifle some of the creativity, as former Edison employees complained
这样做扼杀一些创意, 如前爱迪生员工抱怨?
The Administration should stifle the impulse to compare Iraq to conflicts past.
People will doubtless protest that such a rigid system would stifle creativity.
Act quickly, and we might be able to stifle the disease in its earliest stages.
行动迅速, 我们就能在最早阶段遏制疾病。
People get too comfortable with templates, and that can stifle their creativity.
人们太习惯使用摸板, 这个会抹杀他们的创造性。
You spread ignorance, lies and poison you stifle thought, freedom and intellect.
When you wait on another or things you stifle the creative influences within you.
Increasing the deficit could bring higher interest rates that would stifle growth.
增加财政赤字将导致利率提高, 这对经济增长是致命的。
Development and Application of Converter Steel Slag Hot Stifle Technology in Jigang
Why settle for uninspired templates and limited options that stifle your creativity
为什麽要解决的创意模板和有限的选项, 扼杀你的创造力?
Determination of Oxygen Consumption Rate and Stifle Point of Yong Ictalurus punctatus.
We take a massively parallel copy machine and try to stifle most acts of reproduction.
我们拥有大量复制机, 并努力扼杀绝大多数复制行为。

单词 stifle 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)窒息;(使)窒闷;扼杀  [更多..]



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