单词 unobstructed 例句大全,用单词unobstructed造句:

Also the available wet towel places the nose department hot compress, may cause the nose to be unobstructed.
也可用湿毛巾放在鼻部热敷, 可使鼻子通畅。
Want to maintain defecate unobstructed, lest defecate exerts oneself to do sth. when aggravating heart burden.
要保持大便通畅, 以免大便用力时加重心脏负担。
When energy flows unobstructed the flux remains relativity even though there is always intonation at all times.
Controlling reverse respiration and keeping air tract unobstructed are effective measure for emergency treatment of flail chest.
It should clean the tunica intima of cyst, not injury debouch of pancreas, and ensure unobstructed pancreatic fluid flowing.
The entrance and the exit both are unobstructed, and the obtaining employment and the entering higher education are all flourishing

单词 unobstructed 释义

  • 单词释义:不被阻塞的,没有障碍的,畅通无阻的;交通  [更多..]



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