单词 undone 例句大全,用单词undone造句:

This action cannot be undone once the table is saved.
一旦保存了表, 将无法撤消此操作。
Consider only what by oneself is done or left undone.
Life creates itself in delirium and is undone in ennui.
生活因谵妄而兴盛, 因倦怠而荒芜。
If she had questioned or doubted me, I had been undone.
假使她问我或者怀疑我, 我也就完了。
Food is left uneaten,homework undone and sleep is lost.
Come unraveled or undone as if by snagging, of stockings.
Some clamps that had held the device together came undone.
When the inevitable order came to fix bayonets, he was undone.
When after network bubble is undone, see this idea is highbrow.
When she took her finger away from the knot, it all came undone.
她一从结上把手指移开, 结就散了。
We can say you were mentally undone by the surprise of the breakup.
Lord, be merciful to us, we shall be all lost, we shall be all undone.
A base, ungenerous wretch who under the mask of friendship has undone me.
He felt that he had left something undone, something that would betray him
他觉得好像遗漏了什么, 会使事情败露。
But others fret that the work of welfare reform is being gradually undone.
The undone tobacco was dipped into the shampoo from the volcano to and fro.
How can you expect to atone for leaving so large a part of your work undone?
Guarantees that all changes are undone if the copy does not succeed completely.
In the election of a wife as in a project of war, to err but be undone for ever.
This is after Internet bubble is undone, netizen amount rises the fastest an year.
And his stubbornness seems to have undone the peace talks, despite his protestations.
视乎是他的倔强破坏了和平谈判, 尽管他对和平的信誓旦旦。
Told me the tractor needed fixing and he wouldn't feel right about leaving it undone.
Most of the time, the manipulations are undone automatically as the karma is released.
大部分时候, 当业力解除时, 这些操控可以自动取消。
This feature is very handy, especially when large number of changes have to be undone.
此特性非常方便, 特别是在需要撤消大量更改时。
Be sure to secure your floss firmly so it doesnt come undone when you wash your garment.
一定要坚决保护您的牙线, 所以不来复原当你洗的衣服。

单词 undone 释义

  • 单词释义:已解开的;未做的;烦乱的;毁了的  [更多..]



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