You can specify wing attributes including camber and centerline sheeting of an airfoil.
If you specify an argument, the tool performs a step out the specified number of times.
Specify a user name and password to prevent unauthorized access to the network resource.
Animal skins, absolutely original wholesale orders, assured, please specify requirements.
动物皮, 绝对正版, 放心批发, 下单请注明要求。
Each directive allows you to specify different options that are appropriate for the file.
The detailed requirements specify the lowest level abstraction of the system requirements.
Aguarantor must specify the following particulars on the bill of exchange or on an allonge
Directive does not give you access to any packages that are nested in the package you specify.
Annotation text file property is empty. Specify the name of the text file for this annotation.
The track bar moves in increments that you specify and can be aligned horizontally or vertically.
Please specify whether the abstract is submitted to the workshop on romanization and transcription.
Additionally, you specify the color that should be used for rendering all geometries of that layer.
此外, 还需指定用于呈现那一层的所有几何图形的颜色。
A bitmap is an array of bits that specify the color of each pixel in a rectangular array of pixels.
位图是位的数组, 它指定了像素矩阵中各像素的颜色。
Specify the source file column delimiter type. Specify comma, tab, semicolon, or another character.
指定源文件列分隔符类型。指定逗号, 制表符, 分号或其它字符。
If you want a column to be aggregated instead, you can specify an aggregate function for that column.
如果希望对某列进行聚合, 则可为该列指定聚合函数。
The power of attorney shall specify the scope of powers of the agent and nationality of the applicant.
Such reservation shall specify those of the aforementioned provisions to which the reservation relates.
You also specify the loading strategy, material characteristics and work roster applicable to the fleet.
您还指定加载策略, 材料特性和工作名册适用于车队。
If you are responding to an advert or an association or exhibitor recommending it, please specify which one
Missense mutation A mutation that changes a codon specific for one amino acid to specify another amino acid.
The mediation paper shall specify the arbitration claims and the result of the agreement between the parties.
Tooling Engineer will specify additional requirements, such as containers or conveyors, supplied with the die.
For convenience in ordering, specify by figure number. Contact Aloyco for additional assistance in valve selection.
At my firm, and many others, clients with their own separate accounts can specify whatever ethical restrictions they want.
The regulation would specify capital adequacy ratios that depend on the risk and transparency of the underlying financial products.