单词 subtract 例句大全,用单词subtract造句:

In their first year at school, most children learn to add and subtract.
They do not know how to add and subtract, they just understand letters.
他们不懂什么是加减, 他们只认字母。
Measure the finished assembly and from that size subtract the die size.
测量总成后的尺寸, 用该数据减去模具尺寸。
When you subtract two numbers, you subtract a subtrahend from a minuend.
Certain foods can actually subtract the calcium you already have in your body.
Rising rates result in higher debtservice costs, which subtract from earnings.
To convert Fahrenheit degrees into Centigrade, subtract 32o, and multiply by 59.
如果要把华氏温度换算成摄氏温度, 就须减去32度再乘59。
To determine a company's net worth, you subtract its liabilities from its assets.
These are the canonical, mathematical operations add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
它们是规范的数学操作加, 减, 乘, 除。
When you've determined annual amounts for each entry, subtract them from your salary.
You simply subtract what you paid from their current value to sense of where you stand.
你还可以对你所持股票的现值做一下减法, 从而搞清时势。
Each value you subtract corresponds to a cursor option that was used in the query plan.
Subtract subtract one Decimal from another Decimal, and return the result as a Decimal.
将一个数字减去另一个数字, 将结果按照数字返回。
Subtract anguine length on that forces 20 a unit of length, people still is not believed.
BetaGammacomplete, includes settable timer and sensor , with dynamic background subtract.
When he crosses the date line he subtract a day from his calendar in order to compensate.
Allow system professionals to add or subtract applications using a set of common services.
As the students learn to manipulate the beads on the abacus, they learn to add and subtract.
学生在算盘上拨拉算珠, 学习加减。
A word I know, six letters it contains, Subtract just one, and twelve is what remains. What is the word
一个词, 六字母, 减去一个剩十二, 你猜它是哪一个?
Since fitting with clinical menses soup, add and subtract, different symptoms features good curative effect.
自拟经痛汤, 随临床不同症状特点进行加减, 疗效甚佳。
A Very simple. When an amount of money is withdrawn, you must subtract this number from the general deposit.
很简单, 例如是取款, 你就得存款总额中减去取款的数。
Look at the minuend and subtrahend. They both add or subtract the same number. The differences are the same.
Objectiv To observ the clinical effect about healing hysteromyoma with Cassia tuig toria soup add or subtract.
Simple math tool to practice add, subtra Simple math tool to practice add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
You need to recalculate your curve whenever you add or subtract trading capital without mixing up past percentages.

单词 subtract 释义



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