单词 strong 例句大全,用单词strong造句:

Extremely, my operation ability strong and has sense of responsibility.
本人操作能力强, 有责任心。
There is innovation consciousness, meet an emergency an ability strong.
有创新意识, 应变能力强。
Strong command of English ability, fluent spoken English will be a plus.
英语能力较强, 口语流利尤佳。
Mechanism Model of Infrasonic Wave Abnormality Before Strong Earthquakes
Photography is a kind of art shape that have very strong answers ability.
Have a strong learning ability and be willing to develop from entry level.
愿意从基层做起, 学习能力强。
Would win a strong belief in a strong person, and then make them stronger.
Strong business acumen, with strong analytical and problem solving skills.
Use strong tape to tie up both parts and wrap up with strong cardboard paper.
使用强力胶带绑好, 并用硬卡纸包裹。
The oral communication expresses ability strong, kind communicate with person.
口头表达能力强, 善与人沟通。
Strong dints absorbing deeply isPermeate dint strong, be easy to absorption.
John They smell a bit strong, meaning the bluebells have quite a strong aroma.
这些孩子发现了野风信子, 他们说可以闻到很浓的味道。
The man was as strong as a horse, and his temper was as fierce as he was strong.
Browbeat the weak and fear the strong cringe before the strong and Bully the weak
When the resin failure to adopt strong acids and strong base on resin for restore.
当树脂生效后, 可以拔取强酸和强碱差树脂举行还原。
She wanted to abase herself before the strong man, to be low and humble before him.
她使自己在这个强壮的男人面前显得更谦卑, 低下和恭顺。
Sterling has recently been strong, which will help to abate inflationary pressures.
And I felt the need of a strong axis and a strong connection to cross on that line.
Hurricanes bring tremendously strong winds, so strong they can knock down buildings.
Linguistic competence Language is expressed the ability is strong, English is skilled.
语言能力语言表达能力强, 英语熟练。
Strong interpersonal and communication, Strong Sense of Responsibility, selfconfident.
Lead the organization coordination ability strong, be good at communicating with person!
领导组织协调能力强, 善于与人沟通!
The land there knows only strong arms, big bowls of strong liquor and unbridled laughter.
Have strong responsibility, and aggressive, outgoing personality with a strong work ethic.
责任心强, 态度积极, 并勇于挑战和面对挫折。
Not resistant to strong acid, strong alkali, strong oxidizing solution and strong solvent.

单词 strong 释义

  • 单词释义:强的;坚强的;强烈的;强壮的  [更多..]



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