单词 thought 例句大全,用单词thought造句:

Researchers had thought a rare genetic abnormality causes the condition.
Accommodating a Pregnancy Xiaomin never thought abortion was a big deal.
The thought of devote oneself to the Tao is the core of Laozi s thought.
And I thought about my dad, and I thought, Good God, I'm so not Sue now.
HIS teacher thought he was dumb, and talent spotters thought he was ugly
老师认为他愚笨, 星探认为他其貌不扬。
Always ever thought the summation of any ability should thinking ability.
He thought Mrs. Lin had gone mad, yet she didn't look the least abnormal.
She thought that their attitude to the problem was absolutely disgraceful.
Thought of the Medical Staff Abide by Medical Ethics under the New Situation
Have thought of and you have a section of the Oath, he thought you promised.
If you really grasp the truth of this, then naturally thought is in abeyance.
如果你真正理解了这个真相, 那么思想自然就停息了。
After hearing the touching story, she thought the boy's absence was tolerable.
听完这个动人的故事后, 她认为男孩的缺席可以原谅。
This suggests germ layer boundaries are less absolute than previously thought.
The poor girl liked to be thought clever, but she hated to be thought bookish.
Ralph was a specialist in thought now, and could recognize thought in another.
Many parents thought time it was abnormal for a boy to be interested in ballet.
那时, 许多父母认为一个男孩对芭蕾感兴趣是不正常的。
This fear is the result of thought, and Brahman is the product of thought, too.
这恐惧是思想的结果, 而婆罗门也是思想的产物。
An evil thought sows a bad karmic seed.A good thought reaps good karmic fruits.
Lost in deep thought, she seemed absolutely dead to the reality surrounding her.
她底思想似乎浮漂在极远, 可是她自己捉摸不定远在那里。
Scrooge went to bed again, and thought and thought and thought it over and over.
Ellen was abashed at the thought of making a speech in front of her entire school.
The will to live, was his thought, and the thought was accompanied by a sneer.
What upset me wasnt the thought of an evil spirit. It was the thought of a motive.
让我不安的并非是某个邪灵, 而是动机。
The Educational Point in thought Should be a Logic Thought in the Chinese Classroom
语文课堂中, 思维教育的重点应是逻辑思维
Thought cannot exist without consciousness, but consciousness does not need thought.
思想没有意识无法存在, 意识却不需要思想。

单词 thought 释义

  • 单词释义:思想;想法;关心;思索  [更多..]



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