单词 thereafter 例句大全,用单词thereafter造句:

Thereafter his idea of attending school gradually strengthened.
Thereafter she wrote articles for papers and magazines in Paris.
He was chauffeured away soon thereafter with no public statement.
The state of a woman during childbirth or immediately thereafter.
Thereafter, backing up the transaction log regularly is necessary.
此后, 必须定期备份事务日志。
He was very ill as a child and was considered delicate thereafter.
For any whom Allah leaves astray, there is no protector thereafter.
To spend any more time on these matters became, thereafter, apostasy.
从此以后, 在这个议题上多花点心思, 倒成了叛教的行为。
Clinical recovery was good and patient lived uneventfully thereafter.
He was very ill as a child and was considered as delicate thereafter.
Thereafter, his linguistic abilities would decrease as he gets older.
年纪越大, 掌握语言的能力相对的也越低。
Shortly thereafter, they got stuck in the mud and abandoned their car.
过后不久, 他们的车陷在泥坑里, 他们不得不弃车而走。
Thereafter, the son of a father adamantly refused to reenter the home.
此后, 父亲坚决拒绝儿子一家再进这个家门。
The smaller the babies were,the lower the T 4 at birth and thereafter.
I was able to pick up the thread of the article immediately thereafter.
She married at 17 and gave birth to her first child shortly thereafter.
Thereafter the bottle is filled to the lip with commercial grade xylene.
Thereafter the colours she chose to wear remained bright and flamboyant.
自此以后, 她选择的衣服都相当艳丽。
Thereafter he came to see her almost every day for six astonishing weeks.
从那以后的六个星期他几乎每天都来看望她, 简直令人惊讶。
Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business.
后来不久, 我离开了餐厅开始了自己的生意。
He was captured by the enemy, but escaped from prison shortly thereafter.
他被敌人俘虏, 但很快就从敌营中逃脱。
He continued to appear in the office with unfailing regularity thereafter.
Thereafter, the moon will shine in front ofthe Bull for rest of the night.
那之后, 月亮在今晚都会位在金牛星前面。
It crystallised and cooled shortly thereafter, about 4.5 billion years ago.
Thereafter, they only let their sales forces focus on the insurable buyers.
然后, 他们指示其销售人员把重点放在可保买家上。

单词 thereafter 释义

  • 单词释义:此后,在那之后;〈罕〉据此  [更多..]



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