单词 thereby 例句大全,用单词thereby造句:

Advancing cybernatic box principle thereby is the choice with actual suit.
First, it generates no money, thereby royally messing up Mr Obamas budget.
When the blast wave expands, it breaks the bubbles and thereby loses energy.
And Hamath also shall border thereby Tyrus, and Zidon, though it be very wise.
和靠近的哈马, 并推罗, 西顿, 因为这二城的人大有智慧。
If anyone harms this Dharma Master, he will thereby have harmed these Buddhas.
Use of inhouse bolsters thereby only requiring cavity inserts to be purchased.
I missed the last flight, and thereby decided to stay the night at the airport.
我误了上一趟航班, 所以决定在机场过夜。
The old man closed his eyes eagerly, thereby intimating that such was his wish.
老人热切地闭了眼睛, 表明他正希望如此。
Miss Mason bought a beautiful car yesterday and must have spent a bomb thereby.
梅森小姐昨天买了一辆非常漂亮的车, 她一定花了一大笔钱。
Thereby, the basis of penal responsibility of ministration defect sin is varied.
We would thereby inaugurate a new era of closer ties with continental Europeans.
The bacteria move within this thread, thereby gaining entrance to the root cells.
细菌在菌丝内移动, 并由此进入根细胞。
Thereby, a stereoscopic effect of the subject in focus can be adequately adjusted.
Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace thereby good shall come unto thee.
An application signed by the legal representative or any person authorized thereby.
The drops act by decreasing aqueous humor formation , thereby lowering eye pressure.
滴眼药通过减少房水形成发挥作用, 降低眼压。
Squeeze the rubber bulb to pump out the air from the tube, thereby creating suction.
挤压橡胶球泵的空气管, 从而创造吸力。
We may thereby compute the number of graphs which are isomorphic to their complements.
Thereby, the advancement of duality theories is a big milestone in functional analysis.
A bolt is fastened through the bush to thereby fix the rocker shaft on a cylinder head.
This allows code to lose the calling stack and thereby elevate its security privileges.
It calms the nervous system, soothes the mind and, thereby, relieves stress and tension.
Thereby, measuring bubble size must be emphasized in study of reducing cavitation damage.
The designer can select small port diameters and thereby achieve better loading fractions.
设计人员可选择小的通道直径, 从而能得到较好的装填系数。
It offers sensational antioxidant properties thereby helping to inhibit the aging process.
抗氧化属性, 能够帮助抑制年龄得增长。

单词 thereby 释义

  • 单词释义:由此,从而;在那附近  [更多..]



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