单词 these 例句大全,用单词these造句:

These studies suggest that about half of these complications may be preventable.
These predictions will make people who work in these fields understandably cringe.
Which of these has a negligible mass? Which mass of these is negligible in an atom?
None of these metals are good conductors. All these metals are not good conductors.
These are just a couple of examples, but there are a lot of these images out there.
Do you wish these proofs, these attestations, which I alone possess, to be destroyed?
And he has a history of these trucks, and he's moved these bees up and down the coast.
他很早就使用这些卡车 沿着海岸线上下转运这些蜜蜂。
These two, these valiant two, lived for the same dream and were gone only months apart.
这两位勇敢得斗士, 为同一梦想而生, 相继逝去, 仅隔数月。
These issues determine the solution architecture and are not covered by these articles.
These are all the things we would like to know. Please clarify these in your next letter.
这些都是我们所要知道的, 复信可一一报告大概。
And at some point you're going to have to cross these cracks in the ice, these crevasses.
Maybe these rules will actually improve the way these financial services companies behave.
也许这些条例 真能改善 那些金融服务公司的行为方式。
These extremists, these dissident groups, they call on the population to go to be martyrs.
这些极端分子, 这些异见组织, 他们煽动人们做殉道者。
These law enforcement experts who watch all these illegal activities are known as trackers.
And these will be our first priorities, and on these principles there will be no compromise.
这些将是我们的第一批优先任务, 在这些原则上决不会妥协。
And if you simply show people these pictures, they'll say these are fairly attractive people.
如果只是让人们看这些照片 他们会说这些人挺有魅力
These invisible links that allure, these transfigurations, even of anguish, that hold us.
These two parties have made themselves particularly conspicuous in these days of violent storm.
All these things were neglected, and so it was precisely in these fields that rebellion erupted.
这些东西都不抓, 结果, 好, 就是这些方面造反。
The content of these elements in these wild potherbs is obviously higher than routine vegetables.
Conservation of these important sites is vital for the longterm survival of these migratory birds.
These are the MultiLayer Cakes. These are the Preserved Egg Cakes And these are the Custard Tarts.
这是千层糕, 这是皮蛋酥, 这是蛋挞。
There are a bunch of other of these biases, these cognitive biases, that affect our risk decisions.
还有许多这样的认知偏见 影响着我们的风险决策
Madagascar has these very special bats that produce these droppings that are very high in nutrients.
马达加斯加有一类特殊的蝙蝠,他们的排泄物 富含养分。
And these projects will continue past these sessions, using collaborative interactive communication.

单词 these 释义



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