单词 tremble 例句大全,用单词tremble造句:

Dixon had been showing a disposition to tremble and stagger.
They made my heart tremble, my vein glow when I viewed them.
我望着它们就心儿颤抖, 热血沸腾。
Each star in Orion seemed to tremble and stir with my breath.
Behold!I am Xerxes of the Persians, mortals tremble before me.
喂!我是波斯的薛西斯, 凡人在我面前都会颤抖。
The slats of the blind could be seen to tremble at every shot.
她每打一枪, 就可以看到百叶帘在颤动。
They can frighten you, scramble your brains, make you tremble.
Her voice vibrated with enthusiasm. I tremble, my blood leaps.
But for a shrimp, he certainly made the rest of Europe tremble.
一只小虾, 他却震憾了整个欧洲。
She was in a tremble of excitement and opposition as she spoke.
当她说话时, 由于激动和反抗, 她浑身颤抖。
Picking up this ancient artifact, I feel it tremble in my hands.
Ultrasonic Evaluation on Ventricular Function of Auricle Tremble
The trumpets of Carthage resound! Hear, Romans, now and tremble!
Suddenly, her entire body began to tremble, I heard her gasping.
突然, 她的全身颤抖起来, 我能听到她在剧烈喘气。
Let our being tremble with effort and madness in the fiery abyss!
让我们在炽烈的深渊中, 因耗力与癫狂而战栗!
Let the world tremble as it senses all you are about to accomplish.
On Aggro. Tremble mortals, and de air! Doom has come to this world!
颤抖吧凡人, 绝望吧!毁灭魔兽世界随机副本降临了!
A second grade wind makes the tips of the branches tremble slightly.
I know when I a bride I used a tremble when I went to dinner parties.
Suddenly she gave a low, choking moan and began to tremble violently.
At this news Marys tips started to tremble and then she began to cry.
听到这个消息, 玛丽的嘴唇开始颤抖, 接着哭了起来。
And my tomorrow hugs me. I tremble with the joy of happy expectations.
When tyrants tremble in their fear and hear their death knell ringing.
Then Bluebeard bawled out so loud that he made the whole house tremble.
Whenever a cold wind blows in, they tremble and chatter their branches.
每当寒风吹起, 它们就颤抖起来, 枝叶直打战。
American consumer likes the cloth of our country to tremble particularly.

单词 tremble 释义

  • 单词释义:颤抖;颤动;使担心  [更多..]



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