单词 tremendous 例句大全,用单词tremendous造句:

Tremendous weight is given to the achievement of solidarity and unanimity.
He stepped down from the plane at 11 28 a. m. amidst a tremendous ovation.
The adoption of this policy will relieve the unions of a tremendous burden.
The first thing we would see is a tremendous amount of genetic information.
我们首先看到的是 海量的遗传信息。
Due to the tremendous growth in Asia time, spot gold closed at an end Line.
由于亚洲时段得巨大涨幅, 现货金最终收于一根阳线。
The adoption of this policy would relieve the unions of a tremendous burden.
A tremendous amount of exchange takes place in tourism, culture and academia.
在旅游, 文化和学术方面的交流量极大。
The great love needs to emit tremendous risk with outstanding achievement all.
Data binding can be a tremendous advantage, but there are potential drawbacks.
No, Anne, you still have a tremendous lot to learn, begin by doing that first.
安妮, 你要学的还多着了, 早该开始学了。
Biology technology is had in agricultural respect tremendous should throw value.
Actually, it's a tremendous relief, not having that hanging over my head anymore.
对我来说那是极大的解脱, 不用再缠着我了。
This is a challenging task to achieve, but the long term payoff can be tremendous.
Tremendous Affect by Place and Spirit and Earth Art to Contemporary Landscape Design
The fact is, there's still a tremendous amount that can be offered and can be given.
事实上,我们仍然能继续 提供更多的服务。
The current president has experienced a tremendous amount of fame in his first year.
It may save tremendous energy because of having a strong adaptability to temperature.
另外, 水解酸化对温度适应性很强, 具备很大的节能空间。
When we look forward to art by tremendous enthusiasm, we have already addicted in it.
当我们对艺术满怀念头的时候, 我们也已经上了瘾。
We have to undergo countless hardships and tremendous sacrifice to achieve any success!
Tremendous achievements have been made in the reform of the fiscal and taxation system.
When you think about it that way, having a phobia is a tremendous learning achievement.
这样来看, 得恐惧症真是一项了不起的成就。
Obviously, Victor did not suddenly acquire a tremendous amount of additional knowledge.
The heavy drilling apparatus was blown sky high out of the hole with a tremendous roar.
那沉重的钻井设备随着一声惊人的怒吼, 脱离井口, 飞向高空。
In his day, Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity. He was adored by rich and poor alike.
At that time we felt very tremendous pressure, afterward returned looks, but a small how.

单词 tremendous 释义

  • 单词释义:极大的,巨大的;可怕的,惊人的;极好的  [更多..]



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