单词 truncate 例句大全,用单词truncate造句:

Culm sheath auricles inconspicuous sheath apex truncate.
Ovary ovoid, glabrous, margin membranous, apex truncate.
子房卵形体, 无毛, 边缘膜质, 先端截形。
free portion of lower glume a ca. 0. 2 mm truncate frill
Infructescences subglobose, ca. 2 cm wide, base truncate.
Calyx white, 810 mm, white villous, apex truncate or undulate.
花萼白色, 810毫米, 白色长柔毛, 先端截形或波状。
Stigma 1, terminal, truncate to depressed capitate, undivided.
柱头1, 顶生, 截形到下凹头状, 没有分开。
Stigma 1, terminal, truncate to obtuse or capitate, undivided.
柱头1, 顶生, 截形到钝或头状, 不裂。
Disk annular, thick, fleshy, lobe obtusetriangular or truncate.
Ligule truncate or convex, glabrous, margins slightly fissured.
Seeds with wing blackbrown, cuneateoblong, and truncate at apex.
种子具翅黑棕色, 楔形的长圆形和截形在先端。
Calyx cupshaped, almost truncate, outside pulverulent pubescent.
花萼杯状, 几乎截形, 外面粉状短柔毛。
Ovary lobes truncate, glabrous or rarely minutely hispid at apex.
子房裂片截断, 无毛或很少精确在先端。
Ovary ovoid, apex with a membranous crown, crown margin truncate.
Ligule truncate or arcuate, rigid, margin minutely ciliate or not.
Calyx adherent to ovary, truncate or 4 or 5denticulate, accrescent.
花萼附着的于子房, 截形或4或5具小齿, 增大。
ocrea tubular, membranous, margin entire, apex oblique or truncate.
托叶鞘管状, 膜, 边缘全缘, 先端偏斜或截形。
Sorry, the text is too long to edit. Truncate it to 253 characters.
Ovary glabrous.Nutlets triquetrous, oblong, glabrous, apex truncate.
子房无毛三棱的小坚果, 长方形, 无毛, 先端截形。
Staminal column with many anthers along entire length, apex truncate.
雄蕊柱沿着整个长度具多数花药, 先端截形。
Bracts oblong, apex truncate branchlets yellowish or yellowish brown.
苞片长圆形, 先端截形淡黄的小枝或者黄棕色。
Truncate the transaction log after each checkpoint for all databases.
Middle tooth of upper lip of calyx trapeziform, truncate, denticulate.
中间齿的上唇的花萼梯形, 削去。
Flowers bisexual.Calyx cupshaped, 5toothed, rarely 26lobed or truncate.
花两性花萼杯状, 5齿, 很少有叶26的或截形。
Petals yellowish, spatulate, apex truncate, slightly longer than sepals.
花瓣淡黄, 匙形的, 先端截形, 稍长于萼片。
Leaf blade pubescent on veins when young, base cordate, rarely truncate.
幼时的叶片短柔毛在脉上, 基部心形, 很少截形。

单词 truncate 释义

  • 单词释义:v.截去(园锥等的)尖端,修剪(树等),把...截短;adj.截短的,(羽,叶)平截的,平头的  [更多..]



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