Rylai trained in Winterspring for years under Raishali, the ancient troll frost mage.
Troll Shaman will gain the full benefits of Berserk despite their percentage of health.
Races allowed to become Hunters are the Night Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Tauren, and Troll races.
Some ice troll and slaves reach Lordaeron and Kalimdor through the goblin merchant empire.
Professor Quirrel Troll in the dungeon! Troll in the dungeon! Thought you ought to know.
Outline of Tuna Longline, Troll and Pole and Line Fishery in Western and Central Pacific Ocean
They also troll lists of names with domain registrations set to expire, enabling them to get a jump on buying it.
他们还特罗尔名单与域登记即将到期, 使他们能跳就买它。
Several specific troll tribes have been confirmed as cannibalistic, including the Mossflayer and Vilebranch tribes.
一些部族已被确认为食人成性, 包括烂苔部族和邪枝部族。
The concert took place at the bottom of one of the four shafts of the Statoil Troll A Platform rig in the North Sea.
这座钻台高472米, 其中369米位于海平面以下, 包括四个竖井。