单词 ASIT 例句大全,用单词ASIT造句:

Please write to us as often asit is possible.
They all stayed indoors that day,asit was stormy.
I'm in favor of Love as long asit doesn't happen when the Simpsons are on TV.
Myojin of Nights Reach is indestructible as long asit has a divinity counter on it.
只要夜幕明神上面有神威指示物, 便不会毁坏。
Myojin of Seeing Winds is indestructible as long asit has a divinity counter on it.
只要清风明神上面有神威指示物, 便不会毁坏。
Myojin of Infinite Rage is indestructible as long asit has a divinity counter on it.
只要嗔怒明神上面有神威指示物, 便不会毁坏。
And to that end, Ai Jing's message is perhaps not as obvious asit might first appear.
因此, 艾敬所表达的信息也许并不象开始时所说的那么明显。
The biggest problem of the third industrial revolution is aseasy to explain asit is difficulty to solve.

单词 ASIT 释义

  • 单词释义:allergen-specific immunotherapy 变[态反]应原特异免疫疗法  [更多..]



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