单词 whit 例句大全,用单词whit造句:

My finger can make bend, Just put it in whit a slope.
我的手指会转弯, 斜斜地插入。
Some low houses covered with whit snow came into sight.
眼前出现了一些平房, 房顶上覆盖着白雪。
Study on the stability of stirred yogurt whit apple juice
Anyone who want bids, needs send my msg whit portfolio url.
任何人谁想要竞标, 需要将我的味精白衣组合的网址。
Fast analysis of content of tar and dust in whit coal test.
Not that either team gives one whit about trying to win 70.
The Blacks are not a whit Behind the whites in intelligence.
We hope to cooperate and create tomorrow whit our customers!
我们愿与广大顾客朋友携手合作, 共创明天!
Electrician must care of the electric cable moving whit derrick.
He was charged whIt'siphoning off money illegally from the fund.
Compared whit a decade ago, our life is much better than before.
和十年前相比, 我们现在的生活要幸福很多。
m not familiar whit this format, could you show me how to use it.
Janet is not a people person. she is bad at communicating whit others!
I can live with losing the fight, but I cannot live whit not fighting.
When you show up whit smile, I will waiting for you under a apple tree.
Gee, Its quite a task getting to the airport whit such a heavy suitcase.
Does the job leaver feel satisfied whit compensation and work condition.
StyleLight bodied whit wine, smooth and mellow texture with long finish.
风格酒体轻盈, 口感柔顺, 余韵悠长。
My sister never helps whit the housework at home. Neither does my cousin.
我妹妹在家从不帮忙做家务, 我表妹也一样。
I'd like to confirm Ms. Byrons's appointment whit Mr. smith next afternoon.
Are you familiar whit that school What else do you do there besides studying
Welcome to beautiful MoonMountain, I think you will fill in love whit there.
欢迎来美丽的月亮山, 我觉得你会爱上这里。
He cared not a whit for the social, political or moral aspects of literature.
Learning English is just physical labor. We can absolutely crack it whit crazy.
学英语是疯狂的体力劳动, 要用疯狂的精神去摆平。
I do hope the snow you said can appear in beijing.As you know, I love the whit.
我就知道, 你两边都会发, 其实, 我也两边都发了。很很

单词 whit 释义

  • 单词释义:极少的量;一点儿;丝毫不;一点也不  [更多..]



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