单词 while 例句大全,用单词while造句:

A week in a while, a car ran facings Irene's abode at a fast velocity.
一星期后, 一辆车以飞快的速度开往艾琳的家。
I took the liberty of borrowing your dictionary while you were absent.
Begin while others are procrastinating. Save while others are wasting.
While they were there, Cain attacked his brother Abel and murdered him.
当他们到了那里, 该隐就动手把他弟弟杀死。
While using this ability your mitigation and avoidance go down greatly.
Results 53 cases were normal while 7 cases abnormal in heart structure.
While working, we should abide by the relevant regulations of our unit.
His mother warned him to keep his head above water while living abroad.
It was decorum for the women to absent themselves while the men reckoned
出于礼貌, 男人家在算账的时候, 女人家都不在场。
As to western culture, we should absorb the good while weed out the bad.
对待西方文化, 我们应取其精华, 去其糟粕。
Eye for an Eye This ability can now trigger while the Paladin is sitting.
While he was away, I found his absence void, there was something wanting.
While Oliver was out of the room, she abandoned her chair for the couch。
And in the world of investment, opportunities abound while pessimism rules.
While reading you unconsciously absorb the grammar and style of the author.
Air is a fluid but not a liquid, while water is both a fluid and a liquid.
Even the paradise of fools is not an unpleasant abode while it is habitable.
纵然是愚人得天堂, 在还可居住之时, 亦非不愉快之地。
He has been placed on a paid leave of absence while investigations are made.
You can perform much bigger weight shifts while reclined than while upright.
Tree prefer calm while wind not subside son choose filial while parents died.
原文树欲静而风不止, 子欲养而亲不在。
aversion to cold with shivering while pores open and stuffy fever while closed
腠理开则洒然寒, 闭则热而闷
While his clothes ablaze, the flames shot from his waist to well over his head.
衣服着火了, 火苗迅速从他的腰蹿过他的头。
Jankulovski worked in the sandpit, while Dida worked apart with Vecchi and Abate.
扬库洛夫斯基练习踩沙坑, 而迪达和韦基, 阿巴特一起练习。
Oh well bored today, while learning and playing a while, at the computer all day.
今天好无聊哦, 学习一阵子, 又玩了一阵子, 整天对着电脑。
While driving on the bumpy section of the road, he switches on the shock-absorbers.

单词 while 释义

  • 单词释义:在…期间;与…同时;虽然;而  [更多..]



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