单词 yearn 例句大全,用单词yearn造句:

The more the worms writhe, the more I yearn to crush out their entrails!
The more the worms writhe, the more I yearn to crush out their entrails!
The more the worms writhe, the more I yearn to crush out their entrails!
We appreciate the common festivals each other, with admiration and yearn.
Can let what eulogize and yearn for one party common people is permanent!
We yearn for thecomfort of familiar lies to create a more amenable reality.
Brazilians yearn for a state that behaves like the servant of its citizens.
We yearn for the comfort of familiar lies to create a more amenable reality.
They yearn for a long vacation, and get bored with numerous tests and homework.
他们对大量的作业和考试已经厌烦, 他们渴望长假。
That would be cruel to Ashley, but it would make him yearn for her all the more.
If there is one thing can always yearn for and some times attain, it is human lov e.
We yearn for a new creation and the realization of God's promise to make all things new.
我们渴望一种新的创建, 以及实现主使一切常新的诺言。
They yearn for the past, because the present policies do not yield much advantage to them.
他们感到现在的一套对他们益处不大, 所以对过去很留恋。
Students studying for final examinations yearn for the Elysian idleness of the summer vacation.
正在准备期末考试的学生, 渴望着闲逸快乐的暑假。
yearn, long, pine, hanker, hunger, thirst These verbs mean to have a strong desire for something.
Provides tourist attraction which a fresh contact surface chooses itself for the tourist to yearn.
In summer days, people yearn for the green trees with dark shades which bring the refreshing cool.
夏日, 渴望的总是绿树浓荫, 送来片片清凉。
You do not want to end this life mediocre and unambitiously, yearn for reputation, fortune and influence.
Science will eventually extend the Human life span to such a degree that most people will yearn for Death.
After experiencing extremely scare and panic, people no longer live and yearn for the fantasy to the future.
经历了极度的惊惧与恐慌, 不再驻足对未来的虚无幻想。
Young people yearn towards communication, understanding and friendship and their hearts are linked together.
I long to wander a land far, far away. Where I have my beautiful dreams at the end of cloud.I yearn for wandering.
A place crowned with green trees and surrounded by stream water is the beautiful homeland we yearn for infinitely.
Life keeps people too busy.It doesnt allow us to focus our full attention and yearn for someone without interruption.
人事太忙了, 不许我们全神贯注, 无间断地怀念一个人。
The drink helps produce saliva and slake thirst, and keeps you a cool head and refreshment. Once tried, yearn forever.
本饮品生津止渴, 提神醒脑, 一经品尝, 终生爱之。

单词 yearn 释义

  • 单词释义:渴望,切盼,向往;想念,怀念,向往,留恋,恋慕  [更多..]



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