单词 yearning 例句大全,用单词yearning造句:

Yearning for a long enrapture you yesterday and the longing for a beautiful future.
Wolves have a very simple attitude, which is their persistent yearning for successes.
The home of the future with yearning heart, should be rice yellow attune, very sweet.
Although the depth mire, actually does not lose to the pure love, happy life yearning.
She wangled dispensation from Rome, and arrived back in London yearning to be a woman.
她获得罗马的特许, 回到伦敦, 渴望做回女人。
During coming forest division, our special issue sends this article, place our yearning.
All my yearning loaded with my concern fillies to you quietly with the changing seasons!
We run from morning to night trying to keep our earning power up with our yearning power.
The unending yearning, like a boat with broken oars, rows across the sea of my sad heart.
The remotest corners of the earth have their limits, but my yearning for you has no ending.
天涯海角有穷时, 只是相思无尽。
Forever yearning of people, also counterevidence is worn of figure of a leader truly great.
Over the hills, hear the call of the wild. You have yearning to go there, Lapland, madness.
At the moment of enplaning no longer constrain a string of yearning tears from sliding down.
Do not wait until they are gone forever, until the beginning of endless regret and yearning.
I remember how everyone was yearning for rest, catching up on sleep after our routine duties.
我记得那时大家都盼望休息, 每次执行完任务倒头就睡。
But, can you feel my yearning heart while we are apart thousands of miles away at this moment?
但此时此刻, 你我千里相隔, 你能感受到我想你的心吗?
The Spiritual Yearning Between Human Beings and Ghosts to Each Other and Its Artistic Construct
Under the influence of my father, I have always been filled with infinite yearning for Germany.
The convalescent child penned up in the house was yearning to go out and play with his brothers.
Nor did Mr. Gorbachev realise the vast yearning throughout the sphere for the joys of consumption.
Correlativity between Yearning Relation Behaviour and Physiological and Biochemical Changes in Sows
However, he never gave up his yearning for free and unaffected emotion behind his dignified reason.
然而, 在他那凝重的理性背后, 却难以割舍对洒落之情的向往。
At the moment of on train, I could no longer constrain a string of yearning tears from sliding down.
At the moment of enplaning, I could no longer constrain a string of yearning tears from sliding down.
We came to this restaurant and ordered a dish eaten with the hands, which we have been yearning for a long time.

单词 yearning 释义

  • 单词释义:n.向往;adj.怀念的,向往的  [更多..]



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