单词 according to 例句大全,用单词according to造句:

I'll decide to go or not according to how I feel tomorrow morning.
Journalists should have the courage to write according to the truth.
No deaths were found to be related to pemetrexed, according to the study.
He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has.
人之贫富是依据他的人品, 而非依据他的财富。
You should be careful to fill in the template according to the specification.
Attempt to Paint Relationship and TV Commentary According to TV Voice to Write
We are forbidden to enter according to the provisions in the Geneva Convention.
To ensure the absolute goodness, we should act in according to the pure good will.
要保证行为的绝对的善, 就只能是出于纯粹善良意志而行为。
It is so surprising that we belong to the same family, according to the clan tree.
According to Huai Nan-zi, a summary,"to elaborate the chances of life or death.
According to statistic, singapore accords with conditional family to have 3400 about.
According to the experts, it is not good to wear light-sensitive glasses for too long.
They also promised to invoke contingency plans to accommodate more according to Mr Lee.
李卓人表示, 警方承诺若然与会人数众多, 会采取应变措施。
There is still a lot to be done to implement the principle to each according to his work.
The government had to cut its coat according to its cloth in order to lower taxes that year
To be familiar with phonics, know how to read and write the words according to the phonics.
熟悉音标, 会根据音标念出和写出单字。
Distribution according to Human Capital is the Modern Form of Distribution according to Work
How abundantly to imagine strength, according to the present price, I do not blame him right!
想像力多么丰富, 按照现在的物价, 我不怪他才对呢!
According to Sandy, I tend to like a neutral palette with the primary color red as an accent.
According to the test schedule, arrange test and instruct the operator to accomplish the test.
根据测试计划, 安排测试并指导试验员完成测试。
According to the rules, this handicraft can only be passed on to the family's own descendants.
If we want to do our work according to economic law,we should train people to act accordingly.
According to examining concerned data, according to this one regulation of party constitution.
combination of Distribution according to Work and Distribution according to Production Factors
Come according to the standard of protocol and requirement! Want to accord with national level.
英文例句大全为您提供according to英文例句大全,according to英文造句,关于according to的英语句子,单词according to怎么造句,according to英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于according to,英语单词according to的句子,单词according to如何造句,according to怎么造句等。

单词 according to 释义

  • 单词释义:根据,按照;据…所说;如;比照  [更多..]



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