单词 acting in 例句大全,用单词acting in造句:

He followed in his famous brother's footsteps to a career in acting.
他继成名的胞兄尔后, 也走入演艺界。
Learn about slating in your acting audition in this free video clip.
You feel Danielle refuses to see you're acting in her best interest.
你觉得丹妮尔不认可 你这么做都是为了她好。
the kidney acting in the body as a determinant of figure of the body.
I'm trying to get over all the obstacles that get in my way in acting.
My left knee acts up in damp weather. Her arthritis is acting up again.
Interested in acting, Dong joined the drama group in his freshman year.
凭借对表演的喜爱, 董耀聪在大一就加入了戏剧团。
Acting in a play, on the other hand, was considered socially demeaning.
They are acting in the sense that they're emulating the original mashup.
他们即兴表演 模仿原来的混音
Acting in secret to achieve a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful goal.
He pays excessive attention to wording when he is acting in Chinese opera.
药工今天放假, 你明天来拿吧。
She finally arrived on the big stage after years of acting in small plays.
So it's acting, in a sense, like a living system trying to preserve itself.
这样它就像一个生命系统一样运动 去维持自身
This can sometimes be the music, but is often the voice acting in the game.
重复的音效可能是音乐, 但通常是游角色的说话声。
The army is acting in conjunction with the police in the hunt for terrorists.
The army is acting in conjunction with the police to hunt and find terrorists.
Thellos can sometimes be the music, but is often the voice acting in the game.
Mary doesn't regret abandoning an acting career, because in fact she never did.
玛丽不后悔放弃了演员的职业, 因为事实上她从没当过演员。
The police were acting hand in glove with the army to keep order in the country.
警察与军队合作, 共同维持国家秩序。
The army is acting in conjunction with the police in the hunt for the terrorists.
Acting in good faith is a chinese tradition, not something invented our generation.
No partner shall be entitled to remuneration for acting in the partnership business.
Analysis on the transformer differential protection acting in error and the treatment
The case centred on whether the jury believed Gerrard had been acting in selfdefence.
Acting in the spirits of steady minds of management, our company has developed into a.
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