单词 answer up 例句大全,用单词answer up造句:

As he did not know the answer, he did not put up his hand.
由于不知道答案, 他没有举手。
Please stand up and choose array based on your own answer.
And because I don't know, they've got to dig up the answer.
A gentle answer away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Charles put aside his newspaper and got up to answer the door.
查尔斯放下报纸, 站起身去开门。
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Does anybody know the answer ? If you do, please put up your hand.
有谁知道答案, 请把手举起来。
Dr.Smith sets about untangling the problem and comes up with an answer.
Eyebrows up, the person knows the answer to the question they're asking.
No one has come up with a definitive answer as to why this should be so.
I've picked up a pen, but it doesn't answer to the description you gave.
The candlelight has lit up our dinner, but it cannot illuminate the answer.
You chip away at the problem until somebody comes up with the right answer.
So, hopefully that cleared up for some of you why you got the wrong answer.
Indeed, the answer to Why usually ends up this way, speculative, unspecific.
Having considered a long time last night, I have not sought answer up to now.
昨夜考虑了很久, 但是迄今为止, 我并没有找到答案。
And indeed, a possible answer to my question opens up new universes, literally.
事实上 解释我问题的答案 开辟了全新的许多宇宙
Nevertheless, a Jiao is acting this game has no character up to now clear answer.
不过, 阿娇是否代言该游戏至今未有明确答案。
Research of Setting up and Support of Distributed Intelligent Question Answer System
When asked where the director was, for answer he simply pointed up to the floor above.
当被问及导演在哪儿时, 他只简单地向楼上指了指作为回答。
The only thing you have to be careful about is being able to answer follow up questions.
Waiting is giving you a reluctant reason Live up is giving yourself an answer to absolve!
Club Answer tonight with Jeff Fraserand Greg Thorstad. We’re gonna go tear da club up!!
Before anyone could answer, the bloodhounds gave tongue again as they picked up the scent.
大家还来不及答腔, 那两条猎狗就闻到了足迹, 又叫起来了。
If come up against water douse to be on plastic floor, answer to dry its as soon as possible.
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单词 answer up 释义

  • 单词释义:迅速回答; 清晰地讲;直言不讳地回答; 照实回答  [更多..]



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