单词 learning time 例句大全,用单词learning time造句:

At that time my English is poor, I almost lost confidence in learning English.
Since that time, there have been many commercial successes of machine learning.
Also in this period of time, I experienced a lot of things, also learning a lot.
也是在这一段时间里, 我经历了很多事情, 也学习了很多东西。
Most people learning a new skill experience a time when it just clicks for them.
Her universal compassion, forgiveness and acceptance are my life time's learning.
她的善良, 宽容, 和大度是我一辈子也学不完。
Another aspect of our program is to spend time on unlearning as well as learning.
Learning how to use light to your best advantage will take time and experimentation.
At the same time, he is also learning and human coexistence, and respect time to eat.
It must have been a time of remarkable learning, taught by Christ and the Holy Spirit.
在这期间, 他一定在基督和圣灵的教诲下明白了许多真理。
For example, reviewing what we have learned on time contributes to efficient learning.
例如, 按时复习所学知识有助于卓有成效的学习。
It's a Machine Learning class, and it has 398 people enrolled every time it's offered.
是机器研究课程 每回都有400多人参加
All libraries, like the brains of a drudge at examination time, are graveyards of learning.
一切图书馆本来像死用功的人大考时的头脑, 是学问的坟墓
Since the birth of Marxist political Party, it attaches importance to learning all the time.
The learning period is two years for minors and classes are arranged at extracurricular time.
At the same time, the spread of western learning gave birth to the modern Elementary education.
Learning Algorithm of Hierarchical Functional Network and Its Application in Time Series Analysis
Thank you for accompanying me for such a long time, responsible for my learning and entertainment.
At the same time, learning to read alphabetic script also develops phonological and phonemic awareness.
Children with dyslexia have a difficult time learning to read and write in a typical classroom setting.
This is my first time to have ever seen such a specialized coal dock. it's really a learning experience.
and learning the skills, savoring, mindfulness, that amplify them, that stretch them over time and space.
你学习快乐的技巧 在时间和空间里放大快乐
There is an underlying assumption that the young have an easier time learning a new language than the old.
Therefore, I must devote all my energy and time to learning English with courage, passion, enthusiasm, and vigor!
The rest of the apprentices time is spent in a classroom environment learning the theoretical skills the career requires.
He impulsively wed a second time but instantly dumped his bride on learning that an earlier liaison had led to her pregnancy.
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