单词 keep in 例句大全,用单词keep in造句:

In addition to the dandruff, also note that keep the hair clean and comfortable.
除了头屑, 还要注意保持头发的干净, 舒适。
In this way you can keep a sourdough going forever, without any additional work.
The police were acting hand in glove with the army to keep order in the country.
警察与军队合作, 共同维持国家秩序。
Keep in mind that nobody can say you are worse than anybody without your permit.
But he decided in the end that he and his accomplice, Sarah, would keep the baby.
The superpowers should keep hands off in the internal affairs of other countries.
So, gyros alone can't be used to keep in an aircraft in a particular orientation.
因此, 单独使用陀螺仪也无法保持飞机的特定航向。
Captain Brian We advise you to keep that seat belt fastened in case of turbulence.
Have them on vou at all times, jnconx nd keep a supply in your car just in wu ase.
他们对你在任何时候, 保持供给你的车只是以防万一。
The medical service had advised us to keep it a secret, but we wanted it in the open.
The Council shall keep proper accounts and proper records in relation to the accounts.
In the contract, there was a stipulation that she could not keep a pet in the apartment.
Keep in mind that this attribute does not change the actual length of the string itself.
请记住, 此属性不会更改字符串本身的实际长度。
Analyzing the Way to Keep in Good Health on Intake of Ginseng in Chinese Medicine Theory
The best preservative to keep the mind in health, is the faithful admonition of a friend.
Keep in mind, any weight addition will also change the racquet's balance and swing weight.
The author investigates discovery, the person has keep in mind each, endless and identical.
The bias current is then adjusted in order to keep a constant current out of the photodiode.
One of our guiding principles in doing business is to abide by contracts and keep good faith.
One important thing to keep in mind is the level of protection associated with the container.
Baisheng Technology keep the technology advantage in the highest flight with the same industry.
Administration of School Rolls Should Keep Pace With Educational and Teaching Reform in Colleges
Persist in physical training so as to keep fit and take an active part in recreational activity.
坚持锻炼身体, 积极参加文娱活动。
Yet, it is in the interest of the secured creditor to keep the encumbered asset insured in full.
Cadres in Charge of Organizational Work should Keep Honesty, Raise Ability and Cultivate Lenience
组工干部要讲正气, 增才气, 养大气
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单词 keep in 释义

  • 单词释义:抑制;(使)继续燃烧;储备;(使)留在家里  [更多..]



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