Keep away from flame. Store at room temperature. Keep out of reach of children.
The other girls told me about Romeo and advised me to keep my distance from him.
To keep Joe out of trouble, I am constantly alert for any deviation from normal.
为了使乔免遭麻烦, 我时刻警惕着任何异常情况。
Reasonable design for clamp to keep from screen sliding after high tensile force.
I do not ask you to remove them from the world but to keep them from the evil one.
我不求你将他们从世界上撤去, 只求你保护他们脱免邪恶。
The archway between the two buildings had been glassed over to keep from the rain.
Six children are huddled into one bed to keep from freezing, for they have no fire.
六个孩子为了不被冻僵挤在一张床上, 因为他们没有火取暖。
To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman.
Aw hell, how am I going to keep you from reading ahead Lets go ahead with this chapter.
哎, 我怎样才能阻止你提前阅读呢?咱们继续这一篇吧。
First aid for snakebite seeks to keep the venom from spreading to the rest of the Body.
They will keep you from the adulteress, from the wayward wife with her seductive words.
Who can keep from talking about others? Who can keep from being talked about by others?
谁人背后无人说, 哪个人前不说人?
The man was so rude I had to bite my tongue to keep from getting into argument with him.
Airplane maneuver to keep the airplane from progressing along the intended route of flight.
Then Tippy Toes stuffed his furry little paw into his mouth to keep from laughing out loud.
It is an exercise to selfcontrol, to abstain from the things that may keep us away from God.
I will keep away from rowdy places. I will not ask about things that are abnormal or unusual.
避免去斗争或胡闹的场所, 绝不过问邪恶或不正常的事情。
The wizardly behavior of SAR is to absorb large amount of water and keep water from evaporation.
A short rein that extends from a horses bit to the saddle to keep the horse from lowering its head.
That skill pattern allowed me to keep my targets from moving forever, as long as Aeolian Blade landed.
这种技术模式, 让我永远我们远离我的目标, 只要风刀降落。
However, the intervals should be long enough to keep the backup overhead from affecting production work.
He guided the canoe around the tree, and both of them had to lower their heads to keep from bumping them.
他划着独木舟绕着这棵树, 他们俩只得低下头避免碰着。
It is impossible to be satisfied with everything, that is a lofty realm if you can keep from feeling ashamed.
岂能尽如人意, 但求不愧我心。
Divers must breathe compressed air to keep from being crushed by the weight, or pressure, of the surrounding water.
And that pattern, the architecture of that pattern on its skin denticles keep bacteria from being able to land and adhere.
而其结构 富含锯齿状物 让细菌无处无处着生
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