单词 no tax 例句大全,用单词no tax造句:

The eventual sale took place timeframe that meant no tax was payable.
No, those whose monthly salary is below 800 yuan are not liable to tax.
Their pay included no deductions for income tax or employment insurance.
薪资不包括所得税免税部份, 也没有劳保。
The tax on year-end bonuses should be no more than 10% of the total bonus.
Staying in our Guest House is economical. There is no Government tax Free.
No deposit to your parents, but as a guarantor of you is to submit the tax.
对你父母无存款要求, 但作为担保人的你是要提交税单的。
Corporations will no longer be able to exclude foreignsource income from tax.
However, Panama has made no progress on preventing tax evasion by foreigners.
然而, 巴拿马在预防外国人避税问题上却无斩获。
Logbook tax closing, Review the documents and ensure no tax risk for company.
Smuggling cultural relics and forging tax invoices will no longer be offences.
No tax is levied on profits arising abroad, if they are remitted to Hong Kong.
The new law has closed a loophole that enabled rich corporations to pay no tax.
The problem is, no matter how much tax we pay, it wont get the budget in balance.
Once remember no, tax badge shenzhou, aimless and brilliance shines light dances.
曾记否, 税徽漫舞亮神州, 光彩普照。
No sane politician is going to entertain the prospect of tax hikes before major elections.
There is also no tax on capital gains, interest, dividends or inheritance in the territory.
No other products shall any longer be subject to consolidated industrial and commercial tax.
There is generally disappointment that there is no reduction in personal tax or corporate tax.
and if the turnover has not been accounted separately, no tax exemption or reduction is allowed.
No sooner did it release its trial balloon on the Luxury Tax, than it met with a public backlash.
Apple also acknowledged that it had no scientific basis for the amount of tax it was willing to pay.
As a result, tycoons whose remuneration is taken entirely in the form of dividends pay no tax at all.
因此, 薪酬完全为股息形式的大亨们根本不用缴税。
No farmland occupation tax is imposed on the farmland occupied for farmland water conservancy projects.
No. The surcharge is not attributive to the deeds of the punishment. It happens in the process of tax payment.
滞纳金不是处罚行为, 而是征税行为。
The devastating floods and droughts that imposed a recurrent tax of suffering on the fellahin no longer occur.
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